
Include more and more fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Thyroid. Thyroid is a type of gland which is also called the metabolic powerhouse of the body. Thyroid gland helps our body to work better and keeps the body healthy. But if you are suffering from the problem of hypo-thyroidism, then its first symptom can be called rapid weight gain. …

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Due to stress, cortisol hormone is released in our body.

Reason for stress: Stress is spreading like an epidemic around the world. People of all ages are facing stress. From personal life to professional life, people live under stress every day. Due to prolonged stress, our physical and mental health is badly affected. Some people resort to yoga and exercise …

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Do not keep any hope of help from people who sleep less!

Lack of sleep and health: In today’s era, most people stay awake till late at night. Because of this their sleeping pattern gets disturbed and they are not able to get enough sleep. According to experts, 6-7 hours of sleep is necessary every day to maintain good health. Sleeping less …

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Many disadvantages of social media

Social Media: Mobile in hands as soon as you wake up in the morning, likes while sleeping at night, what is trending on social media, who commented on the photo, who did not.. Nowadays social media users are immersed in this thinking day and night. While social media has connected …

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This marriage took place in the shadow of bayonets

Pilibhit: A case of a unique marriage has come to light in Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, where the boy comes out of jail on parole for 4 hours and after marrying his fiancée reaches behind the bars of the jail. The matter is about 4 months old, when a girl named …

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know why they are special

Time of Birth: According to astrology, the time, date and place of birth of a person have great importance. It is said that these three things also decide the fate and personality of that person to some extent. There are many such interesting things about people born after sunset that …

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people enslaved to mobile phones

Mobile phone: Now you meet the youth of our country who have accepted the slavery of mobile phones. According to a new report, mobile phones are making 18 to 24 year olds very sick in India. So sick that these children are ready to commit murder, theft and even suicide …

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Chewing gum can be beneficial if there is a burning sensation in the chest.

Heartburn: Most people are troubled by heartburn. Heartburn can happen due to many reasons. Eating at the wrong time, unhealthy habits, consuming more oily-spicy things, etc. are the causes of heartburn. Usually this problem occurs in people only after consuming spicy and oily food. For this some people start taking …

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Age beyond 70, but still amazing love,

Love of elders: Although most people associate love with youth and believe that love is highest at this age, but it is only one aspect. From time to time, such news and videos related to the love of elders keep coming in front of us which show that there is …

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