take care of these things

Banana side effect: Because of its nutritional value, banana is counted in the category of super food. People like to eat this health-rich fruit everyday. It brings instant energy to the body and also keeps our immunity good. But do you know that consuming it in excess can also harm us? Here we tell you what harm can happen to our body due to excessive consumption of banana.

There are about 100 calories in a large banana. If you eat two or more bananas, then your weight can increase rapidly. Not only this, the amount of potassium is also very high in it, if it is consumed in excess then there may be an experience like dizziness, vomiting or pulse decrease. This can be a symptom of hyperkalemia, which can also cause a heart attack.
It has been found in a research that due to banana, the problem of cavity in the tooth is quite common. Starch is found in large quantities in it, which easily sticks between the teeth. That’s why whenever you eat a banana, make sure to clean your teeth properly within 2 hours.
Vitamin B6 is found in plenty in bananas. Its overdose can cause nerve damage. Although this problem can happen to those people who have either participated in a banana eating competition or who eat a lot of bananas for bodybuilding. Apart from this, banana can also prove dangerous for people who have hyper sensitivity or latex allergy.
Starch is found in large quantities in green bananas, in such a way some people may have problems of gas, abdominal pain, constipation, etc. by eating green bananas. Although when it is cooked, it contains a lot of fiber, which is good for digestion, but due to less water in it, it becomes the cause of constipation.
Banana comes in the medium level glycemic food category which can work to spike the blood sugar level. Therefore, if you are a patient of sugar or have diabetes, then consume bananas in limited quantities or only after the advice of a doctor.
In such a situation, if you have kidney problem and have been advised to avoid potassium rich food, then you should consume banana with caution. Apart from this, if you feel like cramping, irritation, itching in the mouth after eating banana, then contact the doctor immediately.