Ranchi: Jharkhand (Jharkhand) Chief Minister Hemant Soren will on Monday transfer a total of Rs 5,000 for two months to the accounts of more than 56 lakh beneficiaries under the ‘Maiya Samman Yojana’. The ceremony was earlier scheduled to be held on December 28 last year but was postponed due to national mourning over the demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The Chief Minister will distribute financial assistance among women during a grand event in Namkum, which is expected to be attended by more than 3 lakh beneficiaries, a government statement said.
Under the ‘Maiya Samman Yojana’, the ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha-led coalition had earlier promised to increase the monthly honorarium from Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,500 from December 2024. A JMM official said that both December and January installments will be distributed together. He said that some beneficiaries have already received the December installment, while others will get it on Monday.
The scheme was started in August last year
The initiative is being widely credited for the electoral success of the Bharatiya Janata Party in Jharkhand. Preparations for the program in Namkum have been completed and Deputy Commissioner Manjunath Bhajantri visited the venue to review the arrangements. The scheme, launched in August last year, initially gave Rs 1,000 to a woman aged 18-50 years, under which about 56 lakh beneficiaries got the benefit. The state government had promised to increase this amount to Rs 2,500 from December.
Such a scheme in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra too
Before Maiya Samman Yojana, Ladli Behan Yojana was started in Madhya Pradesh. Under this scheme, eligible women get Rs 1250 every month. There is a plan to increase this amount to Rs 5000 in the coming time. Whereas, in Maharashtra, women are given Rs 1500 every month under the Ladli Bahin Yojana. Arvind Kejriwal has also started a similar scheme in Delhi, in which Rs 1000 will be given in the first month. After this, women will get Rs 2100 every month.