when you starve yourself till noon

In the hustle and bustle of life, people often skip the most important diet of the day. Taking the first meal after a gap of more than 12 hours can have a bad effect on your health. There are many side effects of not having breakfast which should be taken care of.

Morning breakfast means breakfast is the first diet of the day. To start the day, our body needs energy, which can be got from nutritious healthy breakfast. However, in the hustle and bustle of life, people often skip the most important diet of the day. Taking the first meal after a gap of more than 12 hours can have a bad effect on your health. There are many side effects of not having breakfast which should be taken care of.

gaining weight
When you starve yourself till noon, your body craves for high calorie food. In this way, you eat sweet and fatty food to reduce your appetite. This leads to weight gain.

risk of diabetes
When you miss breakfast and eat after a long gap, your blood sugar level suddenly rises to provide energy to your body. In this process, people are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

According to a study published in the Japanese Journal of Human Sciences of Health-Social Services, people who do not eat breakfast may suffer from mental illnesses. Brain cells restrict function and your cognitive abilities decrease, leading to serious diseases like dementia.

By not having breakfast, the sugar level can decrease, as a result of which your BP increases. With High BP, there may be a minor headache initially which may later turn into severe migraine.

effect on metabolism
Our body needs energy to work in the morning. When you skip the first diet of the day, it hinders metabolic activity and slows down the process.

lowers immunity
Breakfast contains essential nutrients that are necessary to wake up the body’s immune system, fight bacteria and viruses. By not eating breakfast, your immune system is not able to work properly, due to which you become a victim of diseases.