Two biggest evils of Muslim world: PM Imran Khan

corruption and sex crime
Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has told about the two biggest evils of the Muslim world. He said that the ever-increasing corruption and sex crime are the two biggest evils of the Muslim world, which we have to deal with. He said this during a seminar held on Sunday with top Muslim scholars from all over the world on the subject of Riyasat-e-Madina, Society and Ethical Revival.

The seminar was organized by the recently established National Rehmatul-Lil-Alameen Authority (NRAA). Earlier in October last year, Imran Khan had constituted this authority to research how to convey the message of the life of the Prophet to the people. The scholars who participated in this event also presented their views. Many scholars stressed on protecting the youth from the influence of social media and making faith and religious values ​​a part of their lives.

On this occasion, PM Imran Khan said that there are two types of crimes in the society. First corruption and second sex crime. Sex crime is spreading rapidly in our society, for example, incidents of rape and child sexual abuse and only one percent of the cases are registered. In an indirect attack on Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz) party chief Nawaz Sharif, Khan said, “I believe that the society will have to fight against the remaining 99 per cent.” Same is the case with corruption. Society has to reject corruption. Unfortunately when your leadership gets corrupt over time they make corruption acceptable.

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has turned 72 years old and he has been living in London since November 2019. In fact, the Lahore High Court had allowed him to go to London for treatment for four weeks. Sharif, a three-time prime minister, his daughter Maryam and son-in-law Muhammad Safdar were convicted in the Avenfield property case in July 2018. Nawaz was also convicted in the Al-Azzia Steel Mills case in December 2018 and sentenced to seven years in prison, but he got bail in both the cases. Along with this, he was also allowed to go to London for treatment.
While listening to the views of international scholars, Imran Khan also indicated that he would hold such discussions with scholars in the coming times as well. In his address, the Pakistani Prime Minister also stressed on the need for Muslim youth to avoid pornographic material on the Internet. Muslim scholars who attended the seminar suggested a collective effort of Muslim countries to deal with the negative effects of Modernity. Dr. Syed Hussein Nassar, University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University, said that today’s world has become a more uncertain and more dangerous place, especially for the youth. He condemned western elements making negative remarks against Islam.