Today’s Horoscope 9 October 2022

The atmosphere at work can also be in your favor. There are chances of profit in business. You may have to work harder, but the day will also be good. The more you help others, the more you can benefit yourself. New plans can be made today. There are chances of improvement in work. There can be ups and downs in love relationships. You can be sad because of something about your lover. Married people can get help from their life partner. Do not be careless in the matter of health.

Work tension can also increase. Don’t raise old issues. You will have to work hard. Do not hesitate to show love. Caution is essential while driving. In terms of job and business, there are chances of stress and unnecessary expenses. Some people in the office will notice your work. Consider your career seriously. There may be a change in your work. Planning for new work will continue in your mind. Partner will respect your feelings.


The officers will give importance to your words. Can be busy throughout the day. You will get respect in the workplace. Success will come only by working hard. Withheld money can be found. Business will do well. There are chances of increasing income. Today contacts are being made with important people. Your efficiency may increase. There are chances of improvement in your health too. Love life of husband and wife can be good.
Juniors will also help you. Your business can increase. Any tension can also end today. Act wisely. The problem of the house will be solved. There are chances of having any beneficial agreement in business. You will try your best to improve the financial situation. One can also start part time work. Being busy can lead to fatigue. Take complete rest too.

There are chances of progress in business. Time will be in your favour. Job interviews are likely to be in your favour. You can get good offers to move forward in job or business. Relations with officials will improve. There can be agreements giving benefits in the job-business. You can meet new people. Some people may be impressed with you. You will have a positive effect on them. Today you can also be successful in getting people to agree with you.
There may be a transfer situation or you may also get such news. The profit in business will be less. Money matters can get entangled in job and business. Tension may persist. You can also forget to do some special work. Old friends suddenly appear and they can help. Be ready to compromise where necessary.

There are chances of completion of court-related work on time. You will be able to complete your work in any way and you will continue to get help from people too. If the old loan is left, then it can become a mind to repay it. In the realm of relationships, you can benefit from taking decisions in some old matters. Your stalled work can also be completed. Some people will be happy with you in the office. Officers and elders can also be impressed by the dedication towards work.

There can be cooperation and benefit from the partner. There are chances of getting respect due to work. The day will be auspicious due to the good position of the stars. Make your own investment decision. There is also the possibility of completing everyday tasks on time. You can benefit at home, family and office. You can also get help. There are chances of profit for those doing business related to land.
You can keep busy with work. Take out extra time and go. Capricorn may have a desire to get compliments. Keep your point clearly. Today you can trust everyone’s words. Your work in the office may be checked. Situations can be in your favor.
There are also chances of monetary gains. Some special works can be completed with the help of family. Luck can support you. The stress of job and business can also be overcome today. There are chances of you getting success with concentration. The work done can prove beneficial for you to a great extent. You may find new ways to move forward. People may try to grab your attention.


The position of Moon can be good for your zodiac sign. Will try to complete many tasks in the shortest possible time. There are chances of success in the workplace. You can also get some good news today. There can be new momentum in the romantic relationship of people of this zodiac. Profits in business and salaried people can get help from officials. Luck can also support you in matters of property and transactions.
There will be more work. If you lead a work yourself, it will be good for you, but if you want to work following the instructions of others, then the day is normal for you. The position of Moon is good for your zodiac sign. Today hard work can also be more. You will benefit greatly from this. You can learn something new. There are chances of attending Manglik celebrations as well. Meeting new friends can be beneficial.
Pt. Subhash Pandey