( Horoscope) 
( Horoscope) 

Today’s Horoscope 2 October 2023( Horoscope) 

Today’s Horoscope ( Horoscope)  2 October 2023
Health is going to be good. Your spouse may try to convince you about something. You will be in a relaxing mood most of the time. You will enjoy spending time with family members.
Work will be done at a slow pace. You may have some strange experiences today. The mistake may be repeated again. Therefore be cautious today. You will feel uncomfortable due to physical weakness.
-The family atmosphere is going to be very good. You will be satisfied with your success. Your spouse will try to keep you happy in every way. A successful business trip can bring huge financial benefits. There will be hope in the mind regarding new work.
Will get success. You will benefit from ancestral property. Playfulness will dominate your mind. You will be loyal to your work. Any old dispute may be resolved today.
People associated with politics will have to face criticism. Income will also remain limited today. You are not able to utilize your rights adequately. Maintain good relations with your relatives.
Your patience and restraint are going to be tested today. Children may misbehave with you. Concentrate on your work. If you consider someone a well-wisher, he may not be able to support you.
You will be very serious. Religious feelings will be awakened. You can buy some expensive gifts for children. Work will continue as per plans. The support staff will be very honest towards you. Will spend time with children.
Your respect and prestige in the family will increase. You will get relief from mental problems. At this time, you are not able to implement your plans properly. The feeling of doing good for others will remain strong in your mind.
Be careful about health. Liver diseases can cause trouble. Will enjoy the company of friends in the evening. Don’t misuse your power and rights. The number of your opponents is increasing in the workplace.
You can waste your time in useless activities. Keep your behavior good towards your neighbors. There may be a fight over some issue. There will be some confusion regarding business. Avoid making too many changes in business today.
There may be transfer in job. It would be better to take guidance from qualified people. Time is completely in your favor. Maintain decorum in love relationships. People will be very impressed with you.
Financial situation will remain normal. Some event may take place in the family. Do not take any decision emotionally. You should avoid being self-centered. Friends may form a wrong opinion about you.
P Subhash Pandey