Today’s Horoscope 17 February 2023



There can be a meeting with relatives. Your morale will be high. Sweetness will increase in mutual relations. The day is very good for the people associated with the media. In business you will have to face conflict situations. Will be under stress due to family problems.


Maintain discipline at the workplace. There can be some tension regarding career and education. Do not share your secret secrets and knowledge with anyone. You will have to work more than your capacity. Do not waste time in useless things. The couple will visit relatives.


Your financial condition is going to be good. There are chances of promotion and transfer in the job. The officers will be very happy with your work. There will be slow progress in government works. You can get good news from relatives. Friends will help you a lot. There is a possibility of getting money.


Can be worried about health. There will be more negativity. Keep your speech restrained. You will have a good influence on the cows. Taking advice from experienced persons will be beneficial. Your works will be proved. Routine can get spoiled due to anger and stress. Do not act with a sense of revenge.


There will be necessary discussions with friends. Will contribute in the works of charity and social welfare. Spouse will help. Health may deteriorate. Do not let any outsider interfere in domestic life. There can be a money related problem. Old matters will be resolved. Legal hurdle will be removed.


Youth will get success in competitive exams. Will get progress. Can make an idea to start a new job. Be modest in front of senior people. Will not be able to use their abilities efficiently. Reduce financial transactions today. You will have to work hard in the office. Will get new information.


Do not change the work. Today the work pressure in the workplace will be very less. Will enhance your talent further. There will be opportunities to develop new skills. Your prestige will increase in the workplace. You can go for a walk with your partner. Be careful in banking work.


Will have to work extra hard in the workplace. Do not take wrong steps in anger. Will be able to do the scheduled tasks on time. Youth will get good results regarding career. Test your abilities. Students will work hard. Can be a little stressed regarding health.


Unmarried will get marriage proposals. The sum of money and profit is being made. Socialize with positive people. Your relations with close relatives will be strong. All the work will be completed on time. Meeting an old friend can be very emotional. Remove your shortcomings.


Will plan for new work. Spend only as per need. There can be estrangement from a close friend. You lose opportunities because of over-thinking. You should pay attention to the problems of life partner. Will be pressed for old debt.


You will have a big responsibility. Will be very eager to increase the business. Money will be benefited. Today there will be a feeling of satisfaction in the mind. Don’t let your image get tarnished. Will go out for some work. Others will be impressed by your behavior.


One should be alert. Spouse’s health may deteriorate. Keep your relations sweet with the co-workers in the office. Don’t take stress. Will meet experienced people to solve problems. A lot of hard work will have to be done in the field. There can be ideological differences with someone.

P Subhash Pandey

