The biggest impact will be on agriculture based economies like India and Pakistan.

new Delhi. In its latest report released on Monday, the Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that the continuing deteriorating climate situation is threatening food security in South Asia. Also warned that due to climate change, the risk of flood and drought conditions in India and Pakistan is increasing.

The second volume of the IPCC Working Group-II report on ‘Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Sensitivity’ states that climate change will bring increased threats to the agriculture and food systems in Asia, with varying impacts across the region. will have an effect.

“For example, severe climate-related conditions in South Asia are increasing the risk of food security, with the greatest impact on agriculture-based economies such as India and Pakistan,” the report said. The report warned that climate change would adversely affect fisheries, marine life and crop yields, especially in South and Southeast Asia.
“In India, rice production may decline by 10 to 30 percent, while maize production may decline by 25 to 70 percent if the expected temperature rises by one degree Celsius to four degree Celsius,” it said.