sin to be gay

anti-gay law. Where there is a debate on the rights of homosexuals all over the world, on the other hand strict anti-gay laws are being implemented in some countries. According tothe African country Uganda passed a bill on Tuesday, under which revealing the homosexual identity has been declared a crime. In this bill, a provision has been made to give death sentence in case of serious homosexuality.

same sex crime
The Ugandan government has passed a strict law for same-sex relationships in the country, which criminalises anyone who identifies as LGBTQ. According to the report, this law is the first such penal law for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer, which has been passed by the Parliament of Uganda to punish the same-sex partner.

Banned in 30 African countries
Citing Human Rights Watch, Al Jazeera, an Arab channel, reported that more than 30 African countries have banned homosexuality, which now includes Uganda. “The bill passed in record time,” parliamentary speaker Anita Annette said after the final vote on legislation banning homosexuality in Uganda, Al Jazeera reported. – Prohibits the intention to promote homosexual behavior and participate in homosexual activity.

The law passed in Uganda is reported to provide for stiff penalties against the guilty, and in addition, violations of the law result in the death penalty for so-called “aggravated” homosexuality and same-sex sex. Can be life imprisonment.

Everyone supported except one MP
While passing the bill, everyone except one MP supported it. At the same time, MPs pointed out that homosexuality is a threat to traditional values in the conservative and religious nation of East Africa. It is known that President Yoweri Museveni will sign this bill and give it the form of law. He has long been against LGBTQ rights and passed an anti-gay law in 2013, which was later rejected by the courts.