Shocking incident

Sometimes such incidents happen that you give people goosebumps. A video is becoming increasingly viral on social media these days, which has surprised everyone. This video has been shared by Indian Forest Service officer Sushant Nanda. This video has been seen a lot of times and a lot of likes have also come on this video. Actually, a snake can be seen in this video that a woman was resting on a cot when suddenly a cobra came and climbed on her back.

Sharing this video, Nanda wrote in the caption, when this happens, what will be the reaction of you people? Seeing this video, good people are standing up. This clip has created panic on social media. Reactions of more than one social media users are coming on this video.

The woman was resting, the king cobra climbed on her back
In the incident which is going viral on social media, it is being told that a snake which was a king cobra came and sat on the back of a woman and the king cobra sat for a few minutes. However, that snake did not harm anyone and went straight away without harming the woman.

Social media users are giving a reaction to this video, this video is also being liked a lot. This video has got 1,000 likes and has also been viewed more than 34 thousand times. This video has created panic on the internet. At the same time, people are giving different types of feedback on this video, giving their opinion.

Social media users gave their feedback
Seeing this video, social media users have given their different reactions. One user wrote, “That woman did well, of course, she must be trembling with fear but not panic. Do not threaten the snake in any way. Patience needed Any sign of danger can compel the snake to attack”.

Another user wrote that as far as I know snakes are more afraid of humans, I think they will not attack unless our attitude is wrong. That is why if possible, one should remain silent in such a situation.” On the other hand, another user wrote, “I react like a lady there silently chanting the name of Shiva”. Another user wrote, “Best response would be not to react at all”. Similar reactions are being given by social media users. These are being discussed everywhere.