New Delhi. Neeraj Chopra continues to perform well after the Tokyo Olympics. He won his first gold medal after the Olympics on Saturday night. Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra secured the first position at the Kuortane Games in Finland. The players got in trouble because of the rain. He finished first with a throw of 86.69 meters and won the gold medal. Neeraj Chopra had thrown 86.69 meters in the very first attempt. His second throw had gone foul. He also slipped during the third throw. After this he did not even land for the next 2 attempts. But no other athlete could challenge him.
In the same month, Neeraj Chopra made a national record by throwing a throw of 89.30 meters at the Pavo Nurmi Games. Everyone expected that he would achieve the 90 meter mark. But they could not do so. Neeraj Chopra won the gold medal by surpassing 2012 London Olympic gold medalist Keshorn Walkat of Trinidad and Tobago. Walcott could throw only 86.64 meters. At the same time, the current world champion Anderson Peters of Grenada finished third with 84.75m.
Neeraj finished 8th
Sandeep Chaudhary of India could only throw 60.35 meters. He was ranked 8th. Despite the bad weather, a large number of fans had reached to see Neeraj’s event. Neeraj Chopra has now come to play the tournament after the Tokyo Olympics. He is entering a competition after 10 months. So they don’t want to leave any stone unturned. Earlier, he had managed to win the gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics with a throw of 88.07 meters.