India welcomed the agreement

New Delhi. Iran’s Ambassador to India Iraj Elahi on Friday said India need not worry about the China-facilitated deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia to restore diplomatic relations as the deal will ensure regional stability and help New Delhi. Will also be beneficial for interests. Iran and Saudi Arabia last week announced the full restoration of diplomatic relations that ended seven years ago due to a bitter dispute.

The ambassador told a group of journalists, “I think this (agreement) should not worry India. This will benefit India as it will help in establishing stability and peace in the Persian Gulf region. Therefore, despite being in the mediation of China, it will be beneficial for India. The announcement of the agreement had created a stir in diplomatic circles in India.

Elahi said that peace and stability in the Gulf region would also benefit the Indian community, besides greater economic connectivity would improve India’s trade relations with various countries in the region.

Welcoming the agreement, India had said that it has always advocated resolving differences through dialogue and diplomacy.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi had told reporters, “We have seen reports in this regard. India has good relations with various countries in West Asia. We have deep-rooted ties with this region.” Without mentioning China’s role, he said, “India has always advocated dialogue and diplomacy in resolving differences.”

When asked whether Iran wants investment from Saudi Arabia through this agreement, Elahi said that his country wants to expand trade relations with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

He said, “We are expecting investment not only from Saudi Arabia, but also from UAE. We believe this sector is at a critical juncture. The whole region is an important point for Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and various Arab countries. These countries are realizing that forgetting mutual differences and planning for the future will be beneficial for them.