Horoscope of December 2, 021

There will be profit in business and business. You will face the opponents and competitors boldly. If you work hard today, you can achieve your goals. Today you will get a chance to meet a respected person. You have to keep yourself happy. There may be defamation in public. You need to use your contacts to avoid difficult matters. Mutual mistrust will create a rift in your relationship. The mind will be disturbed. Health of life partner can become a matter of concern.
Do not ignore your superiors. Your sense of humor can inspire others to develop this ability just like you. You will teach him a lesson that the happiness of life is not in external things, but in himself. The day is not very profitable, so keep an eye on your pocket and do not spend more than necessary. You will feel that your friends are cooperative in nature but be careful in speaking. Be cheerful and be ready to face obstacles in the path of love. Traveling outside the city will not be very comfortable, but it will prove beneficial in terms of making necessary acquaintances. Tension will arise in love life. Partner will get support in married life. Expressing mutual differences in front of someone else can increase the distance.

Success can be achieved in work. The day will be good. You will be recognized by your strength and prestige. You can plan to go to some function. Your spouse will be impressed by your honesty. Today will be beneficial for the students of this zodiac as compared to other days. Your attention will remain focused on studies. Businessmen can profit. Spend some time in the temple, financial condition will be better. Engagement yogas are being made. There is a possibility of getting a working wife. Desire of getting a beautiful life partner can be fulfilled
Some important changes can happen in relationships. Important and close relationships will get stronger. Most of the problems will also be solved. Your efforts will prove fruitful. There will be interesting conversations with partner and close friends. You can benefit from the religious or political developments around you. You can go for a romantic place with your partner. Today is going to be full of romance. There may be an argument with the girlfriend. You can give some unique gift to your spouse.
There may be a quarrel with a friend or brother, sister. In any kind of big investment, definitely take the advice of experienced, otherwise money may get entangled. Those who were worried about the result of some work, they will be able to get out of their fear. Instead of arguing with a colleague in the office today, instead of arguing with him, forgive him. You may have to regret later in life due to the decision taken in haste. Take care of your lover’s wishes and give him full respect or else distance can be created.

, Sharing your happiness with others will improve your health too. But keep in mind that ignoring it can be costly later. The extra money can be invested in real estate. It is a good day to meet old acquaintances and to renew old relationships. Do not give documents to your superiors until you are satisfied that all the work is done. Mutual love will increase with the exchange of ideas. Mutual distance may increase for some time in love. Friendship with unknown partner will increase at workplace. Married life is going to be happy.

The day will be mixed. A big decision may have to be taken in some matter. Businessmen can make big gains. Your wisdom will keep you away from all kinds of troubles. You may have to run around for some work. Your problems are also likely to increase. Family worries may increase. You will have to avoid making new changes in work. Feed bread to the cow, you will have a good day. Money related problems will keep you away from your loved one. Today is a good day for the couple who want to do love marriage. Parents may have to persuade.
Time will be spent with family. Your responsibility may increase. Will take time out for religious and social work. Will try to start new. If you have some patience, then most of the problems will end. There are chances of increasing income. Business and job-seekers will benefit. Luck will support you. Some good news can also be found. Students will also be happy. It will be a lot of hard work. Help will continue to come from friends and brothers. There will be estrangement with the partner without any solid reason. Due to unnecessary anger, mutual love will decrease. The health of the spouse has to be taken care of. They are going to remove mutual misunderstandings in love life.
Old works may remain incomplete. Some wrong thoughts can become a hindrance in your work today. You will get support from your spouse. Legal hurdles will be removed today. Your business will do well. You will experience happiness from body and mind. You will get fame and fame in public life. Happiness will remain. Expenses and tension can increase. Recreational activities will be fun. Your prestige among neighbors will increase. There may be difference of opinion, opinion or lifestyle with your partner. Understand your loved one. Relieve mutual tension with some interesting things. Bring closeness to your lover with laughter and love.

Forgetting the troubles, you will spend a good time with your family. Your generous nature will bring you many happy moments today. Before buying something, use the things you already have. Ignore the minor mistake of your beloved. Whatever you do today, you will always be in an impressive position. Today, most of the time will go to shopping and other activities. With a little effort, this day can be one of the most special days of your married life. The wait to meet your love partner will end. The race for estrangement with girlfriend will end. There can be a mutual argument with the spouse on family issues. Married people can complete the search for life partner.
With your ability, you will complete the work easily. The day will be favorable. By increasing the work, the money profit will increase significantly. Mutual harmony will be good in married life. Health will be better. There will be excess of confidence. Meeting new people will be beneficial for the future. Will plan a religious trip with family. Higher officials will be happy with you. Read Hanuman Chalisa, relationships will be strong. The mind is confused. Old friends will get support. Spend more time with your partner. The mind will be happy. Going to see the movie will bring closeness and the tension will go away.
Will help others. You may try to spend more time with your lover or your family members. You can meet people who need you. Some thing or situation will change your thinking. This change is also necessary today and will also be positive for you. The profit of money and any achievement in the field is likely to be in your name. Avoid unnecessary disputes with your spouse. Partner is going to get support in love life. You can take your girlfriend for a romantic place. Lover can get confused about something today.
Pt. Subhash Pandey