After all, why are you getting lakhs of rupees for settling in other cities?

After the outbreak of Corona epidemic, the movement of people had stopped completely, due to which many countries had to suffer heavy losses. There are many cities whose many areas were deserted due to the death of people. In such a situation, these cities are now offering many offers for people to settle here, so that if people come and settle here, then they return to the movement again.

If you want to settle in a city in the USA, then Tulsa, a city in the state of Oklahoma, is a good option for you. On settling here, you will get Rs 7.4 lakh as a grant. Along with this, you will also get free desk space and a chance to attend networking events. Apart from this, on shifting to Bemiji city of Minnesota state of America, you will get Rs 1.8 lakh as a grant.

Cities like Candela and Calabria are giving financial assistance when they settle in Italy. If a single person comes to settle here, then he will be given more than Rs 1 lakh as grant and if a family shifts then he will get up to Rs 1.7 lakh. You must be under 40 to settle in Calabria. A grant of more than Rs 24 lakh can be received during 3 years of stay in Calabria. Apart from this, there is also another offer in Italy. One can get a house here in cities like Sicily, Sardinia, Abruzzo and Milano for just Rs 87. But the condition is such that you will have to get these old houses repaired at your own personal expense.

If you go to settle in Ponga town of Spain, then you can get up to 2.6 lakh rupees if you shift here. The special thing about staying here is that if a couple has a child, then up to Rs 2.6 lakh will be given to each child separately. Apart from this, on settling in Rubia Town, you will get 8 thousand rupees as a grant every month.

There is a good offer for people below 45 years of age to settle in Albinen, Switzerland. On settling here, you will get more than 21 lakh rupees. But the condition on living here is that you have to live in this country for 10 years. This offer is only for those people who are citizens of Switzerland or have married a Swiss resident.
If you want to build your house on Antikythera Island of Greece, then you can get land for this for only 43 thousand rupees. But the condition is such that after taking the land, you will have to get the house constructed in 3 years.

A scheme named Enterprise Ireland can prove to be helpful for you to start a business in Ireland. Under this you can setup your startup. According to reports, you do not need to be a citizen of Ireland to start a startup. One lucky person can get more than Rs 100 crore for starting a startup here.

This is a good opportunity to start your own in this beautiful place of South America. At present, people setting up a business here under the Chile scheme can get funding up to Rs 2 crore.
If you want to set up your business in Mauritius then you have to come up with a good business idea. If the local committee there passes your idea, then you can get up to 35 thousand rupees.