Attacker on Imran Khan Shahbaz government

Islamabad. While former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan is an attacker on Shahbaz government, he also mentioned about the plight of Pakistan in the Indian media. While addressing the people of Pakistan, in the video released by Imran Khan, while targeting the present government of Pakistan, he said that India is making fun of Pakistan. Raised the army by cutting the stomach but everything went in vain. PTI Chairman Imran Khan was addressing a gathering for Isala-e-Sawab in District-e-Shah.

Imran Khan said that the current leaders of Pakistan have huge wealth in Pakistan and abroad and they do not care about the people of Pakistan. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief and former PM of Pakistan Imran Khan said that the way Pakistan is progressing, Indian TV channels are making fun of Pakistan and are happily telling how the country is. How it is heading towards destruction.

Imran Khan blames the former army chief and the change of power in the country last year for the present economic crisis. Addressing the people, Imran said, ‘You and your children have no future. Indian media is saying that Pakistan is going towards destruction. What was the threat to the country when Pakistan was formed? The leaders of India were saying that they would not be able to last for long. These will then be found in us.

Imran said, ‘We insisted on our security, we raised our army, raised the army by cutting the stomach and then the army saved us. they gave us the courage that we could protect you