Good work can also bring crisis in life

New Delhi: In the Garuda Purana, considered as the Mahapurana, along with the right way to live life, the right time to do everything has also been told. So that the person is saved from troubles and troubles. Even according to the Garuda Purana, not only bad deeds but sometimes even the wrong time to do good deeds put a lot of troubles in life. Therefore, everything should be done at the right time. It also includes the essential work done on a daily basis.
Offering water to Tulsi daily keeps happiness and prosperity in the house. Also, Tulsi plant brings positivity in the house, but pouring water in Tulsi plant in the evening is very inauspicious. Water should always be poured in the Tulsi plant only in the morning and lamp should be lit only in the evening.

Morning is the right time to do cleaning related work like broom and wipes in the house. On the other hand, sweeping the house after sunset brings poverty in the house. After sunset, Lakshmi ji resides in the house. At this time, after cleaning, they go away with tears.

Never give sour things like curd, buttermilk, pickle to anyone in the evening. Neither give salt to anyone at sunset and after that at night. Doing so brings poverty.

Never do shaving, hair cut on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Even this makes Lakshmi ji angry. The most auspicious days for these works are Wednesday, Friday. At the same time, this work can also be done on Sunday-Monday.