a country where the sun never rises

Norway is very beautiful as well as being included in the richest countries of the world. The natural beauty here simply fascinates the mind. Being situated in the Arctic Circle, the sunset in Norway is only 40 minutes, hence this country is also called the Land of the Midnight Sun.
In Norway, the sun sets at 12:43 pm and rises again after just 40 minutes. That’s why it is also called ‘Country of Midnight Sun’. This country comes in the arctic circle. Because of this, the sun does not set here for about 76 days between May and July.
In northern Norway the sun never rises during the winter season. Whereas, the sun never sets in this area during the summer season. The city of Roros in Norway is considered to be the coldest place. The temperature here drops to minus 50 degrees.
The beauty of Norway mesmerizes the tourists. It is a perfect destination for nature lovers to visit. The natural meadows here captivate everyone’s mind.
Norway is truly heaven on earth. The snow-capped mountains and lush green slopes attract tourists throughout the year. Here you get to see such amazing views, which will not be seen anywhere. After the snowfall, the view of the cities is worth seeing.

The view of the sea in Norway is a sight to behold. The sea view visible from the middle of the house here fills the mind with freshness. Living in the houses built on the banks of the beautiful blue water here is no less than a feeling of heaven.
Norway is one of the richest countries in the world. This country is rich on one side. At the same time, natural beauty is also concerned. This can be gauged from the fact that people from all corners of the world come to visit this place.