Career of these radix people will shine

Like astrology, the nature-behavior, future, etc. of a person can also be ascertained from numerology. For this only the native’s radix is ​​needed. Radix is ​​the sum of the digits of the date of birth of the person. For example, if a person is born on the 15th, then his radix will be 6 by adding 1+5. Let us know through numerology how this week (time from 15 November to 22 November 2021) will be for all the people from 1 to 9 radix.

Radix 1 – This week will be favorable for you. One by one all the work will be done. The atmosphere at the workplace will be good. There will be profit in business. A new love affair may start. Married life will be good.

Radix 2 – Avoid speaking bitter things, otherwise the relationship may get spoiled. This time will be good for businessmen. Married people should avoid arguing with their partner. Take care of health.

Radix 3 – This week will bring many achievements. Some good news can be heard. Be careful in transactions, otherwise losses may occur. Friends will help. There may be a problem related to the stomach.

Radix 4- The whole week will be spent in bliss. There will be success in job-business. Money will be beneficial. Everything will be so good that even mental peace will be felt. You can also make some good plans for the future. Married life will also be good.

Radix 5 Try your best to protect yourself from stress. Be patient and take the help of meditation. Invest wisely. Treat your partner well in love life, otherwise there may be problems.