Found the well of hell, the soul will tremble

Sanaa: Scientists have found a well of hell in the Gulf country of Yemen. There are many snake herds and waterfalls in this well. Some people are also calling this well ‘Path to Hades’ or ‘Jinne’s Jail’. For many decades, the local people were afraid to go near this well.

According to a report published in Live Science, the official name of the well of hell found in Yemen is Barhout Ka Kuan. Barhout’s well is about 367 feet deep. The diameter of the well of hell is 98 feet.

Let us tell you that Barhout’s well is near the border of Oman in the desert of Al-Mahra state of Yemen. Surprisingly, no one had gone to the well of hell before the researchers of Oman. Researchers saw many waterfalls inside the well. Many herds of snakes were also found there.
Mohamed al-Kindi, a member and professor said that we wanted to know what is inside the well? It was scary though. From this research, we can get many information related to the history of Yemen. Researchers have also found dead animals and pearls in the well of hell.
Significantly, how old this well is, researchers have not been able to find out yet. Scientists believe that the well of hell can be millions of years old. Local people believe that whoever goes near the well of hell drags him inside the well. Although scientists have not found any evidence that the well of hell attracts it.