  (normal)  (normal)

Will make high risk pregnancy normal  (normal)

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, every woman wants that her delivery should be normal  (normal) and the baby in the stomach should also be healthy. But due to some complications one has to resort to cesarean delivery. Actually, there are many disadvantages of normal delivery. According to experts, cesarean delivery results in stitches in the stomach, which increases the risk of obesity. Besides, weakness may also increase to a great extent after the operation. But do you know that some foods are also very effective in getting relief from post-operative delivery.

Yes, there are many fruits and vegetables present in our kitchen, which help in making delivery normal. In such a situation, it would be better if you make them a part of your diet, so that the risk of cesarean delivery can be reduced. Let us know from Dr. Sneha Bathla Mukhi, gynecologist of Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Delhi, which are the foods whose consumption can reduce the risk of cesarean delivery.

How is your diet?

Every pregnant woman needs a balanced diet during pregnancy. Besides, there should also be plenty of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the body. Because the nutritional requirements of the mother’s body increase during pregnancy. On average, a pregnant woman needs 450-500 calories more food. Since, the baby growing in the womb gets food from the mother’s body only. Therefore, naturally, there is a need to eat well to maintain the health of yourself and your baby. According to experts, deficiency in nutrients can greatly reduce the chances of normal delivery.

These 10 foods are beneficial during pregnancy

Milk: According to experts, many women during pregnancy do not even like the smell of milk, leave alone drinking it. But it is wrong to do so. Because milk is considered a good source of protein. 8.22 grams of protein can be obtained from one cup of milk. Milk is beneficial for the health of both the mother and the child in the womb. Let us tell you that due to protein deficiency, the risk of the baby being underweight at birth increases. Protein strengthens the uterus, improves blood supply and works to nourish the baby. In such a situation, start by adding some flavor or some powder to the milk.

Pulses and fruits: Pulses and legumes are considered good sources of protein and fiber. Therefore, both these things must be included in your diet during pregnancy. By doing this the chances of your delivery being completely normal increases. Actually, a few days before delivery, the requirement of protein in the body of a pregnant woman increases. In such a situation, pulses and dried beans help in meeting the protein requirement. Let us tell you that cooked lentils provide 15 grams of protein to the body. Since they contain high amount of fiber, they are also considered effective in preventing constipation.

Orange: Consumption of orange is considered very beneficial for health. Its consumption is very important for both normal and healthy delivery. Let us tell you that there are two important things in orange, first of all it contains 90 percent water, which helps in fulfilling the fluid requirements of the body. Along with this, adequate amount of Vitamin C is found in oranges. In such a situation, by consuming orange the baby’s skin becomes soft and beautiful. Besides, it also protects against infection during pregnancy.

Eggs: Many pregnant women avoid eating non-veg during pregnancy. But, if you want to give birth to a child through normal delivery, then eggs must be consumed. Let us tell you that egg is an excellent source of protein. Besides, essential amino acids are also present in it. For this, if pregnant women wish, they can also include eggs in breakfast and lunch. This is a better option for snacks. By doing this, the baby growing in your stomach will be healthy and its hair will also be beautiful.

Oats: Oats rich in carbohydrates help in increasing the energy level in your body. Therefore it is considered very beneficial during pregnancy. Let us tell you that during pregnancy, the body becomes weak due to many problems, due to which it becomes difficult to have a normal delivery at the last moment. Therefore, if oats are included in the diet from the beginning of pregnancy, the chances of normal delivery increases. According to experts, consuming oats during pregnancy also reduces cholesterol level. However, keep in mind, do not add extra sugar to it. You can take this as breakfast.

Pumpkin seeds: Consumption of pumpkin seeds is considered more beneficial during pregnancy. Including pumpkin seeds in the diet provides more protein. Because every serving contains five grams of protein. According to experts, these delicious seeds contain adequate amounts of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals. Let us tell you that, as the uterus grows during pregnancy, the muscles of the back and hips also expand. This causes pain in the body.

Low Fat Meat: If the pregnant woman is non-vegetarian then low fat meat is very beneficial. Because low-fat meat has a high amount of iron, which is essential for a pregnant woman. Let us tell you that at first the hemoglobin level of a pregnant woman remains normal, but as the pregnancy progresses,