(Jinping )
(Jinping )

Jinping (Jinping )will keep a close watch on senior army officers

Beijing. There has been anger against Xi Jinping (Jinping ) in China since the Corona virus epidemic. The situation had come to such an extent that people came out on the streets in big cities of China including Beijing. These people protested strongly against the Zero Covid policy of the Jinping government. This type of situation is not commonly seen in China, because the Communist government of China suppresses all kinds of opposition. In such a situation, people may be silent due to fear, but if there is a rebellion, then difficulties can arise for Xi Jinping and as it has been seen in history that every dictator faces the biggest danger from his own warlord. Therefore, a new code of conduct has been implemented for military officers in China. In this, along with serving officers, retired military officers have also been included. After the implementation of this code of conduct, Xi Jinping will now have control over the social life of senior serving and retired officers of the army.

According to the report, this step of Xi Jinping is to implement the requirements of ruling the party and the army comprehensively and strictly. Such steps have been taken to enhance the party’s ideology and dedication to it i.e. this code of conduct has been issued keeping in view public social interaction which includes their behavior on social media platforms.

Jinping wants to have complete control over his military officers
In this internet era, China wants to have full control over its military officers. This code of conduct is to improve the discipline of China’s military personnel and strengthen the sense of secrecy keeping national security in mind. Under this code of conduct, 52 different types of behavior were prohibited. However, experts believe that Xi Jinping is afraid that the army faction which is seen in opposition to him may gather those forces through internet or social media, which are against Xi’s policies and somewhere else he will be against his policies. Don’t increase the fears of coup… Instructions have also been issued for strict implementation of this new code of conduct.

Rumors of Jinping’s coup have already flown
Since Xi Jinping took power in 2013, nearly 40 generals were either dismissed or arrested in the name of an anti-corruption campaign. In his place, new young officers were given a place in the Central Military Commission. All these young officers are said to be trusted by Xi. That is, Xi Jinping had dismissed the possibilities of his coup from day one. Apart from this, many changes were also made in the army from time to time.
Despite this, in the year 2022, the social media was filled with the news of Xi Jinping’s coup. It was being said that Xi has been put under house arrest and the coup operation has started. It was claimed that General Li Kuoming could replace Xi and become the new President of China. At that time Lee was the Northern Theater Commander, who was later made the Ground Forces Commander.
The kind of rumor that had spread at that time had made Xi uncomfortable. The special thing is that the strictness on social media in China is hardly in any other developed country. Despite this, Xi Jinping is worried that some senior military officer may wrongly use the displeasure of the Chinese people for strictly following the Covid guidelines against him. This is the reason why now Xi Jinping has started controlling the social life of military officers, so that if any conspiracy takes place, it can be foiled in time.