(Putin's )
(Putin's )

Putin’s (Putin’s )first big step

Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin (Putin’s ) announced plans in March to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, the first step outside Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Putin’s nuclear deployment is a message to the West that he will not back down on the Ukraine war. Putin made the announcement in an interview with Kremlin state television correspondent Pavel Zarubin that was first posted on Telegram on March 25.

Putin said that the reason for the decision to deploy in Belarus was Britain’s announcement that it would supply uranium to Ukraine. The Wall Street Journal reported on June 13 that the United States is ready to approve depleted uranium tank rounds for Ukraine as well. Belarus said the deployment was made in response to the West’s “aggressive policy” and aimed at forcing Western leaders to think before proceeding.

Which weapons will be deployed where?
Putin said “tactical” nuclear weapons, designed for battlefield use, would be sent to Belarus. He did not say which warheads would be deployed where. Putin said that Iskander Mobile short-range ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons have already been handed over to Belarus. Russian sources say that the firepower of Iskandar is 500 kilometers.

10 Belarusian planes made capable of carrying weapons
Putin also said that 10 Belarusian aircraft have been equipped to carry weapons. Belarus said that the Sukhoi-25 aircraft has been adapted to carry weapons. According to Russian sources, the firepower of Sukhoi-25 aircraft is up to 1,000 kilometers. The Federation of American Scientists has said that the weapons could be based at Lida Air Base, just 40 km from the Lithuanian border.

what said on the date of arms
Putin said that Russia would complete the construction of a special storage facility in Belarus on July 7-8 and the weapons would be deployed soon after. Alexander Lukashenko has made different comments on this. He indicated last month that the weapons were already underway, while on 13 June he said the weapons would be deployed in “a few days”. He has also said that joining the Russia-Belarus union could be “nuclear weapons for all”.