What will happen to India if Russia attacks Ukraine?

Warsaw. Russia has gathered more than 100,000 troops near the Ukrainian border, raising fears of war in the region. Russia has consistently denied that it is planning an attack, but the US and its NATO allies believe that Russia is heading towards war and is preparing for it. There are a few things to know about international tensions over Ukraine, which are reminiscent of the Cold War.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities have tried to defuse the situation as tensions escalated. However, soldiers and civilians in eastern Ukraine are waiting impatiently to see if there is a war. They believe that their fate is being decided by politicians in distant capitals. Fighting with pro-Russian separatist fighters has been going on in this war-torn region since 2014.

US President Joe Biden has said this is an area where Russia has gathered thousands of troops and could launch the biggest offensive since World War II. In such a situation, the question also arises that if there is a war between the two countries, then what will be its effect on India.
Experts believe that Russia will need allies in case of war. At this time, China is considered its big ally. Due to Western sanctions, China can also support Russia. China is also supporting that Ukraine should not become a member of NATO. In such a situation, if there is a ban on Russia from the western countries, then China can compensate for it, which will increase the closeness of China and Russia, which can have a bad effect on the friendship of India and Russia.

About 60 percent of India’s military supplies come from Russia, which is a very important party. Recently, India and Russia have also signed several important defense agreements, including agreements related to the S400 missile system and the AK-203 assault rifle. Along with this, India and China are already face to face in eastern Ladakh. In this situation, India cannot take any risk to spoil relations with Russia.

At the same time, America is also an important partner of India. America has always supported India on many important occasions and issues. In such a situation, India can neither bargain with Russia nor with America. Therefore, this situation is no less critical for India.