( scientists)
 ( scientists) ( scientists)

What are the claims of scientists? know ( scientists)

New Delhi. Theories about black holes in space have been emerging for a long time. For the first time, scientists         ( scientists) have found a direct evidence regarding this. It is being claimed that this evidence proves the rotation of black holes in space. This investigation gave astronomers new insights about mysterious celestial bodies. Scientists focused on the supermassive black hole that lies at the center of the neighboring galaxy Messier 87 (M87). The shadow of the Messier 87 (M87) galaxy can be photographed through the Event Horizon Telescope.

Like other supermassive black holes, M87 also has powerful jets, which were launched into space at almost the speed of light from the poles. Until now, scientists believed that cosmic jets were powered by the rotation of black holes. However, till now they had no direct evidence. During the conversation, Dr. Kazuhiro Hada of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, co-author of this study, said, ‘With the help of the Event Horizon Telescope, there was success in black hole imaging in this galaxy. However, whether this black hole is rotating or not was a matter of investigation for scientists. Now this fear has turned into certainty. It has become clear that the black hole is rotating abnormally.

Lead author Dr. Ru-Sen Lu of the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory said the scientific community is aware of jets emanating from the region around the black hole. But we still don’t fully understand how this happens. They needed to observe the origin of the jet as close to the black hole as possible, Lu said.