Snowfall on the mountains increased the cold

New Delhi: Different weather patterns are being seen in different areas of India. While it is raining in the states of South India, snowfall is continuing in the hilly states and the cold is increasing in the states of North India. It is snowing in the Himalayan region including Himachal Pradesh and Jammu Kashmir, due to which its effect is visible in other areas of the country as well and the temperature has dropped. At the same time, the air quality in the country’s capital Delhi is still in the poor category. Meteorologists have predicted clear sky on Tuesday morning and light rain during the day.

According to the Meteorological Department, rain has been forecast in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Karaikal, Rayalaseema, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Mahe today i.e. on Tuesday. At the same time, due to snowfall in Uttarakhand, Himachal, Kashmir and the Himalayan region, the temperature will drop in North India and the cold will increase further. In Bihar and UP, the cold has been increasing continuously for the last two days and people have started feeling chills in the morning and evening.
Where can it rain today?
According to the weather information website Skymet, today i.e. on November 15, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, parts of Kerala and Lakshadweep with light to moderate rain may receive heavy rain at one or two places. Light to moderate rains may occur over Tamil Nadu, South Andhra Pradesh and light rain at one or two places over Karnataka. Light to moderate rain and snow are possible at a few places over Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh and at one or two places over Uttarakhand. Light rain may occur at one or two places in Punjab, North Rajasthan and Haryana.

Delhi’s air still poisonous
The national capital witnessed marginal improvement in air quality on Monday and the AQI remained in the ‘poor’ category, while the maximum temperature was recorded at 31.2 degrees Celsius, three notches above the season’s average. The Average Air Quality Index (AQI) for the last 24 hours in Delhi was recorded at 294, which was 303 on Sunday as well. AQI between zero and 50 is considered ‘good’, 51 and 100 ‘satisfactory’, 101 and 200 ‘moderate’, 201 and 300 ‘poor’, 301 and 400 ‘very poor’. And between 401 and 500 are considered in the ‘severe’ category.