sensational case has come to light in Israe


New Delhi. A sensational case has come to light in Israel. There has been news of espionage items found in a gift sent to an Israeli minister. This gift was sent by the Chinese Embassy. The Chinese embassy had sent several travel mugs to the Israeli ministry. One item has been found suspicious in this. It is believed that this is a spy device from which the conversation can be listened to. This act of the Chinese embassy was first broadcast by Army Radio in Israel. According to the report, the Chinese embassy has sent many such mugs to the ministry. Spying devices were hidden inside one of these mugs. The government has considered it suspicious. When this suspicious object was investigated, it was found that it is a listening spy device.

Suspicious mug investigation continues
The Israeli Security Service has been informed about this. Now all the mugs that have been sent are being investigated. Along with this, all government offices have been asked that all the gifts received by them should be thoroughly investigated and extra attention should be given for this. Government offices have been warned that such gifts may contain listening espionage devices. According to Israeli officials, this suspicious mug was sent by the Chinese Embassy in Israel to the Ministry of Science and Technology. This suspicious mug was probably sent to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Orit Farkash. When this mug was examined before reaching the minister’s office, suspicious things were found in it. A similar mug was also in the name of Transport Minister Mirav Mikhail. China is helping with several development projects in Israel. The project of both the ministries is related to China.

America upset with growing proximity with China
The Ministry of External Affairs has said that it is closely analyzing this suspicious mug. However, till now the situation is not completely clear about this mug. Ever since the trade war between China and America started, China has increased its friendship with Israel. China has shown great interest in Israel’s medical technology, robotics, food tech and artificial intelligence. America is also worried about the growing partnership between Israel and China. Although the Biden administration has not so far sought specific expectations from Israel regarding relations with China, but has at times put China-Israel relations publicly in front of everyone.