Russia is ready for war

New Delhi: The situation on the Ukraine-Russia border remains critical these days. Ukraine is surrounded by Russian soldiers from three sides. At this time the situation there is so delicate that a war can start at any time between the NATO countries and the Russian army.

Understand the reason for the Russia-Ukraine crisis
The dispute is that Ukraine wants to become a member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Russia is opposing it. Actually NATO is a military alliance of America and Western countries. Russia does not want its neighboring country Ukraine to become a NATO friendly country. This whole dispute has given rise to the possibility of a new war, in which more than one country can take part.

At present, Russia has deployed one lakh 25 thousand of its troops along the 450 km long international border with Ukraine. These soldiers have been deployed along the eastern and north-eastern border of Ukraine.

Apart from this, Russia has also deployed its warships in the Black Sea, which are equipped with dangerous missiles. The Black Sea borders Ukraine. There is also an area named Crimea, which was with Ukraine till 2014. But later Russia occupied it. At this time also he has control over this area.

Russia has also deployed such drones on the border of Ukraine, which can destroy any military base in the blink of an eye. That is, in total, at this time Russia has surrounded Ukraine from all sides.

World divided into two factions on Ukraine issue
This struggle has divided the world into two factions. On one side there is Russia, which has been supported by countries like China. On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping held an important meeting in Beijing. On the other side is Ukraine, which is getting support from US, UK and NATO countries. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also visited Ukraine on 1 February.

NATO is a military group consisting of 30 countries like America, Canada, Britain and France. The challenge before Russia is that some of its neighboring countries have already joined NATO. There are also countries like Estonia and Latvia, which were earlier part of the Soviet Union.

Now if Ukraine also becomes a friendly country of NATO, then Russia will be surrounded by its enemy countries from all sides and countries like America will dominate it. If Ukraine becomes a member of NATO and Russia attacks it in future, then under the agreement all 30 countries of this group will consider it an attack against themselves and will also provide military assistance to Ukraine.

Vladimir Lenin, the hero of the Russian Revolution, once said that for Russia to lose Ukraine would be like having its head cut off from a body. For this reason, Russia is opposing Ukraine’s entry into NATO.

Another thing, Ukraine is present on the western border of Russia. When Russia was attacked during the Second World War, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, Ukraine was the only area from which Russia protected its border. If Ukraine went with the NATO countries, Moscow, the capital of Russia, would be just 640 kilometers away to the West. Whereas now this distance is about 1600 km.

To understand this, you have to go back 100 years in history. Before the year 1917, Russia and Ukraine .. used to be part of the Russian Empire, that is, the Russian Empire. But after the Russian Revolution in 1917, this empire disintegrated and Ukraine declared itself an independent country.

Although Ukraine did not remain independent for hardly three years and in the year 1920 it joined the Soviet Union. Despite this, the desire of the people of Ukraine to become an independent nation was always alive.

When the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, 15 new countries were formed, including Ukraine. That is, in real terms, Ukraine got independence in the year 1991. Ukraine understands from the beginning that it can never compete with Russia on its own and that is why it wants to join a military organization that will ensure its independence under all circumstances. There cannot be a better option for him than NATO.

We are saying this because Ukraine has neither a large army nor modern weapons like Russia. Ukraine has 11 lakh soldiers, while Russia has 29 lakh soldiers. Ukraine has 98 fighter planes, Russia has about 1500 fighter planes. Attack helicopters, tanks and armored vehicles also have more Russia than Ukraine.

Russia and Ukraine were strong even before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Then Ukraine was the largest country after Russia in area and Ukraine also had great power in terms of economy. Apart from this, even today 30 percent of wheat production in the whole world is done in these two countries. And because of this they are also called Bread Basket.

Ukraine also knows that if it tries to go against Russia, Russia will attack it, wipe Ukraine from the world map and take over it. Like he did in the year 2014. Crimea then came under the jurisdiction of Ukraine. At that time, the then President of Ukraine had made a trade deal with the European Union, due to which Russia had taken over the area, and the world could not do anything at that time.

America in this whole story