Former President Donald reached court in case related to payment to porn star

New York. Former US President Donald Trump appeared in a Manhattan court on Tuesday in connection with allegations that he paid adult film actress Stormy Daniels to keep her mouth shut during the 2016 presidential campaign. In its order, the court has imposed a heavy fine on Trump. He has asked pornstar Daniels to pay $ 1.22 lakh. At present Trump has left the court. Earlier, the police arrested Trump who reached the court for production. They were indicted last week by a Manhattan grand jury. He will be the first former US President to face a criminal charge. Along with this, his dream of reaching the White House again in 2024 seems to be breaking.

Demonstrations by supporters and protesters are expected in the city in the wake of the unprecedented criminal indictment of a former president. The administration has made preparations in view of this. Trump is the first former US president to face criminal charges. They will be presented on Tuesday. The proceedings are expected to be brief. The charges will be read out during the hearing and the process will last for about 10-15 minutes.

Trump’s trip from Florida to New York: On Monday, Trump flew to New York City in a Boeing 757 from his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida and arrived at La Guardia Airport. His motorcade made its way to Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan where he stayed overnight. Roads around the high-end Trump Tower have been closed and there is a heavy police presence in and around the area.
Trump’s trip from Florida to New York: On Monday, Trump flew to New York City in a Boeing 757 from his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida and arrived at La Guardia Airport. His motorcade made its way to Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan where he stayed overnight. Roads around the high-end Trump Tower have been closed and there is a heavy police presence in and around the area.
Trump wrote on his social media account, ‘I will leave Mar-a-Lago on Monday at 12 noon and go to Trump Tower in New York. Tuesday morning I’m going to, believe it or not, court. This should not have happened to America!
Donald Trump’s office said on Sunday that the 76-year-old leader is expected to fly to New York City from his Mar-a-Lago home on Monday. He plans to return to his resort in Florida after the court hearing, where he will address supporters Tuesday night.
What is the whole matter of Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels
In fact, Trump is facing charges related to a $130,000 payment allegedly made to Daniels through his former lawyer Michael Cohen before the 2016 election. Daniels claimed to have had an affair with Trump in 2006. Hush money payments and extra-marital affairs are not illegal, so it is likely that the allegation is due to irregularities in how the account reflected the expense.