The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday alleged that more than five lakh new voter applications have been filed in recent days, including several voters that raised “suspicions”
Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva along with party MP Bansuri Swaraj and leader Om Pathak met Election Commission officials, and highlighted the grievances.
“We found out that a significant number of these applicants are aged 80 years or above. How can an 80-year-old person not have a voter identity card until now? Who are these people?” PTI quoted Sachdeva as saying.
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The BJP leader also alleged that Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo Arvind Kejriwal applied to get the names of 44 voters associated with a Valmiki temple on Mandir Marg deleted.
“Kejriwal has filed an application to get the names of 44 voters of a Valmiki temple deleted. These people have been staying there for 22 years. He is anti-Dalit,” Sachdeva claimed.
He also accused the AAP of targeting employees working in MPs’ residences, who live in government quarters, by filing applications to get their votes deleted.