( 5 murder )
 ( 5 murder )

Convicted in 5 murder cases ( 5 murder )

Just imagine, a brutal beast, who has been sentenced to life imprisonment, is guilty in 5 murder   ( 5 murder ) cases, has been serving a sentence in jail for 17 years, has written a book. You may be surprised to hear this but it is true. The case is from Kerala, where a serial killer got two days parole so that he could attend the launch of his book.

This is not the story of any ordinary serial killer. This is the story of a man who kidnapped a three-year-old tribal girl from her home. After raping her, her body was buried in the forests behind the school.

But one incident shook him to such an extent, after which he decided to leave the world of crime and change himself. His family and police officers also have a big role in this, who did not leave him to rot in jail.

This serial killer is Jayanandan, who has been serving his sentence in Viyyur Jail, Thrissur for 17 years. The rest of his life will also have to be spent in jail. The name of his book is Pulariviriyum Munpe, which means Before the Dawn.

Which incident shook you?
56-year-old Jayanandan said, ‘One day while waiting to be hanged, I was going through a village in Kottayam in a police jeep. On the way I saw a young blind woman, who had an innocent child on her shoulder and the woman was holding her father’s hand. He was tired. But that scene shocked me. That old man was helping that blind woman. After that scene where I was waiting for death, many thoughts about life came to my mind. Only after this I got inspiration to write the novel Pulariviriyum Munpe. I even had the thought of donating my eyes to that blind woman after my death.

This novel tells the story of a man named Chidambaran, who is awaiting death in Kannur Central Jail. The novel was launched by retired Justice Narayana Kurup in the presence of Jayanandan. Recently, Jayanandan was granted parole by the Kerala High Court to attend the function. His 26 year old daughter Kirti is a lawyer. He himself cross-examined his father in front of the court for his parole petition.
long list of crimes
When Jayanandan was 38 years old, the court sentenced him to life imprisonment. The Special Sessions Court of Alibaug had imposed a fine of Rs 6,000 and sentenced the girl on charges of rape, murder, house breaking and kidnapping of a three-year-old tribal girl.

Accused Jayanandan kidnapped the girl from Maleghar Wadi when her parents were sleeping at home. He took her to his home, where he raped her, killed her and hid her body in the forest. The court found him guilty in four cases, of which two were under sections of the POCSO Act.