
This lady of Pakistan becomes bride every week

Punjab: Hobbies are a big thing, many people do some strange things in the pursuit of hobbies. But have you ever heard that a woman becomes a bride every week due to hobbies. Today we are going to tell you about a woman with such a strange hobby, who lives …

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What is that secret element which is necessary for life

London . Scientists from Oxford University in Britain have identified the secret element for life on Earth. Scientists have claimed that iron is an important nutrient that is essential for the growth and flourishing of almost all life on Earth. Iron is the most abundant chemical element on Earth by …

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There are times when I start crying badly

Candice Warner recently revealed during a podcast about her husband David Warner’s 300 days away in the year. Candice, wife of retired Iron Woman and cricket star David Warner, spoke about how she feels when her husband is away from home for long hours. How is she able to raise …

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The train blew up the car, the female driver did not get scratched

Dangerous Accidents: Many dangerous accidents happen at railway crossings. Many times people die painfully in these accidents. You can imagine that if a train collides with a train, it will turn into straw. In such a situation, if a person survives, then it will be ‘charisma of nature’. Some lucky …

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Work done with camels to look beautiful in beauty contest

Saudi Arabia Camel Sports Festival: This festival was organized for the first time in the year 2000. This festival is also called King Abdul Aziz Camel Beauty Contest. In this camel owners compete for prize money of some £49 million. At a ceremony in the desert northeast of the capital …

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What happened that changed the tone of China?

Beijing: China, which has been conspiring against India step by step, is now talking about improving relations. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has expressed hope for better relations between India and China and said that both the countries should make mutual understanding and not take any wrong decision. Speaking at …

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milk price more than petrol in pakistan

Karachi: Recently, a case of non-payment of salary to the employees of an embassy of Pakistan came to light for three months, which once again exposed the situation of financial crisis in Pakistan. This tweet was made by tagging Prime Minister Imran Khan from the official Twitter handle of the …

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Sri Lankan minister demands apology on controversial remarks of Pakistani minister

Sialkot: The controversial statement of Defense Minister Pervez Khattak over the killing of a Sri Lankan civilian who was lynched by a mob in Sialkot, Pakistan has created a new furore. Sri Lanka has demanded an apology from the Pakistan Defense Minister for his statement. Sri Lanka’s Minister of Public …

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Why did Vladimir Putin say this?

New Delhi. Russian President Vladimir Putin described India as a great power, a friendly nation and a friend that has stood the test of time. He held extensive talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and expressed shared concern over terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime. Putin also expressed concern over …

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