
Imran Khan turns out to be the sardar of lies

Islamabad: Imran Khan, who has brought Pakistan to the brink of economic ruin, is also an expert in the art of lying. He lied, citing India to pacify the anger of the people angry with the rising petrol prices, without caring that the truth is bound to come out. Imran …

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Navy chiefs of 12 countries will participate in the maritime conference of the Indian Navy

New Delhi: Navy chiefs from 12 countries of the Indian Ocean region will participate in the three-day maritime conference being organized by the Indian Navy in Goa from Sunday. This information was given in an official release. According to a statement issued by the Indian Navy, this will be the …

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Melting ice in Greenland threatens the world’s drowning

Climate Change: The problem of climate change is becoming more serious than we expected. That’s why the world is rapidly moving towards sinking and we are not even aware. In fact, in a recent report, it has been said that 3.5 trillion tons of ice melted in Greenland in the …

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Is melting ice on India-Pakistan relations?

Ahmedabad: On the occasion of Diwali, some snow was seen melting in India-Pakistan relations. The Border Security Force and Pakistan Rangers exchanged sweets with each other on Diwali on Thursday on the India-Pakistan international border bordering Gujarat and Rajasthan. BSF Gujarat Frontier said its jawans and Pakistan Rangers exchanged sweets …

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Found the well of hell, the soul will tremble

Sanaa: Scientists have found a well of hell in the Gulf country of Yemen. There are many snake herds and waterfalls in this well. Some people are also calling this well ‘Path to Hades’ or ‘Jinne’s Jail’. For many decades, the local people were afraid to go near this well. …

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US blacklisted Israeli companies

Washington: The US on Wednesday blacklisted Israel’s NSO Group. This is the same group that created Pegasus spyware. There was also a lot of discussion about the espionage scandal. Earlier in its investigation, a media consortium found that Pegasus was used to hack and spy on the phones of various …

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China gifted pregnant Ahilaos

Beijing. China is considering removing its one child policy. China wants the women of the country to give birth to more and more children, for this the government is considering to increase the period of maternity leave from 6 months to one year. According to reports, China wants its population …

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WHO finally approves Covaccine

The World Health Organization has approved the Kovid-19 vaccine made in India for emergency use. The technical committee of the WHO met on Wednesday on the issue of including Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin in the emergency use list, in which this decision was taken. Earlier, this committee has twice sought clarification …

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China is doing the work of increasing the tension of the world

Beijing: Another shocking news has come out about China. Satellite pictures have revealed that China is building missile silos at at least three places. American think-tank Federation of American Scientists has claimed that China is rapidly building missile silos in Yumen, Hami and Ordos in northern central China, based on …

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In this country people call relatives on rent

There is such a country in the world, where people invite guests on rent. Here many people keep themselves engaged for hire. By taking rent, they become your relatives and participate in the functions of the house. The wedding season will soon start in India. Due to Corona, the marriage …

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