shock to pakistan

Islamabad. Pakistan, which is facing economic crisis, has been deeply shocked. Saudi Arabian companies are not ready to invest. This investment agreement was made last year when Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was on a visit to Islamabad. Prime Minister Imran Khan is constantly failing in his efforts to increase foreign direct investment. The $ 20 billion deal with Saudi Arabia would have proved to be of great potential for Pakistan.
Imran Khan, while addressing the Saudi-Pakistan Investment Forum in October 2021, urged Saudi companies and entrepreneurs to invest in Pakistan. Concern is increasing due to the ever-decreasing FDI in Pakistan. The work on the USD 10 billion Saudi oil refinery in Islamabad has not even started.

It has been told that companies are not investing in Pakistan due to lack of proper system of electricity, water, gas and connectivity. Corruption of Pakistan is also a big problem. Companies had expressed concern regarding departmental permissions and banking facilities.

Saudi companies have pulled back in view of the lack of stability and transparency in Pakistan’s investment policy. Some investors have also had to return due to constant political interference and public protests. It has been said in the news that the lack of skilled labor force in Pakistan is also a big problem.