Menace of stray dogs in Delhi

New Delhi. The menace of stray dogs is increasing in the country. Now a shocking news has come out from Vasant Kunj area of Delhi. According to the Delhi Police report, two innocent children of the same family died in two separate incidents here. Dog bite marks have been found on the dead bodies of these children.

Police said that on March 10, the news of the missing of a 7-year-old child was received. His body was later recovered with injuries like animal bites. After that, when a 5-year-old child of the same family went to defecate, stray dogs mauled him to death.

incident happened two days ago
Delhi Police told that the bodies of these children have been sent for postmortem. Police further said, in two separate incidents in Vasant Kunj area, two siblings aged 7 and 5 years were allegedly killed in the attack of stray dogs. The 7-year-old child had gone missing on March 10 and his body was later recovered with animal bite-like injuries.

the innocent went to the toilet
On March 12, a 5-year-old innocent of the same family who went to defecate was made a victim by stray dogs. His cousin found him lying injured, surrounded by stray dogs. Doctors in the hospital declared him dead. Case registered and investigation underway,

Elder son went to eat at Tai’s house
Police told that a woman named Sushma lives with her children in Vasant Kunj area of Delhi. He told that his 7-year-old son had gone to eat food at Tai’s house on March 10, but did not return home. When the police was informed, after a lot of research, his blood-stained body was found which had bite marks of stray animals.
Case remembered after Hyderabad
A similar incident had come to the fore in Hyderabad a few days ago. When an innocent child was mauled to death by stray dogs. The whole incident was captured in CCTV.