Terrorism is a tiger, it eats the keeper too..China

New Delhi: India has always been against terrorism and has been asking the whole world to unite to fight it. China never understood India’s point, but as soon as the Taliban took control in Afghanistan, now China’s tone on terrorism has also started changing. China’s changed face on terrorism was seen in the 11th meeting of the Global Counter Terrorism Forum.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who attended the forum, appealed to the world to drop double standards on terrorism. He said that there is only one form of terrorism litigation. It cannot be divided into good and bad. He compared it to the dreaded animal tiger. Wang Yi said that terrorism is like a tiger that devours the keeper.

At present, Wang Yi neither took the name of Pakistan nor took the name of Afghanistan in his talk. According to political analysts, he was pointing towards these two countries. He said that terrorism is a serious challenge for the whole world at the international level. Not only this, Wang Yi also praised the efforts of all the countries of the world against terrorism.

The Foreign Minister of China also told about the factors in the meeting due to which terrorism is increasing its scope. He said that terrorist organizations are increasingly using science. They are using technology like social networks, virtual currency and artificial intelligence to strengthen and grow their network. He also said that due to the outbreak of Corona epidemic in the world, there has been a lot of weakness in the efforts taken against terrorism.

China also targeted America on its statement on terrorism. The External Affairs Minister said that the Afghanistan-Afghan war and today’s situation make it clear that terrorism cannot be eliminated on the basis of military means alone.