(Balochistan )
(Balochistan )

Balochistan and Sindh will also be…(Balochistan )

New Delhi. The day is not far when Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) will once again belong to India. The announcement was made on Sunday by Union Minister and retired General V.K. Singh did. On this occasion, Chief Patron of Muslim Rashtriya Manch and senior leader of the Sangh, Indresh Kumar announced that very soon along with PoK, Balochistan (Balochistan )  and Sindh will also be separated due to Pakistan’s nefarious activities, bad intentions and rapidly deteriorating economy.

On Sunday, the nationalist Muslim organization took out a huge rally from the Red Fort, in which it was announced that the Muslim Rashtriya Manch has decided to hoist the tricolor in PoK. With the echo of this sentiment, Muslim Rashtriya Manch took out a huge rally in the country’s capital Delhi.

Indresh Kumar, chief patron of the forum, said, “Pakistan’s government is tyrannical, whereas the government of India and this country is a country of peace and tranquility. “PoK wants to join India in view of the brotherhood, peace, civilization of India by the Government of India.”

On the other hand, Government of India Minister General V.K. Singh said that the day is not far when PoK will once again be connected to India. General Singh said, “If the British had not conspired, there was no way in which PoK would have left India. Mountbatten conspired by giving wrong advice to the then Prime Minister.”

He said that from the beginning, Pakistan has been afraid that the people living in PoK, whose relatives are in Indian Kashmir, would want to join their relatives once again. That’s why Pakistan always keeps exerting pressure and atrocities on those people. He said that PoK was, is and will always be India’s.

Indresh Kumar said that till now there is nothing of Pakistan except the Pakistani Army in PoK. There is neither currency of Pakistan nor postage stamp nor flag of Pakistan. The people there consider India as their country and want to connect with India only. Indresh Kumar said that UAE Deputy Prime Minister Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan has described POK as an integral part of India. He had also shown a map in a video on the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, in which PoK and Aksai Chin are shown as part of India. And this is the truth also.

National Convenor Shahid Akhtar said that Muslim Rashtriya Manch has shown by removing things like Section 370 and 35A that the Government of India keeps Kashmir and Kashmiris in its heart and works for their betterment. He said that today the country has decided that we have to take PoK back to our country at all costs.