Why are there twisted ribbons on ladies panties?

Ladies panties: You must have seen lingerie at many shops selling ladies undergarments. There you must have noticed the ribbon folded in the front on your ladies panties. However, like the rest of the people, you will hardly understand why folded ribbons are put on it despite being an elastic panty.

Like you, many people in the world also did not know this secret of ladies panties. However, now the answer to this question has come in front of the world. In fact, a user in Britain asked the question on social media why ladies panties have a ribbon folded in the front. On this, people shared many accurate answers, raising the veil from this secret.

According to the report of The Sun, a user in London, while replying, wrote that the trend of front-facing ribbons on ladies panties has been going on since the trend of elastic panties did not start. During that time, ladies used to wear undergarments tied with knots or ribbons. Elastic panties came later, but companies are still tying ribbons on lingerie to maintain the old tradition.

Another user said that in the old days, ladies used to get up in the morning. After bathing and washing, she used to wear other clothes including panties. The place of tying the ribbon or nada was kept in front so that it could be worn easily even in dark or low light. This is the reason that instead of tying the ribbon on the ladies undergarment, it was kept in front.

After knowing this amazing secret of Linjri, amazing reactions of people are also coming out. One user said that I used to consider it stupid after seeing the ribbon folded on ladies’ panties. I do not understand why when the elastic is attached to the panties, then why is the ribbon folded outside it. Now after knowing the real reason, it is known that there is a logical reason behind this along with tradition. Really this is a new information for men.