Walk after eating food is necessary for both digestion and diabetes

Since walking after a meal accelerates digestion, the faster the food moves from the stomach to the small intestine, the sooner you get relief from common problems like bloating, gas and acid reflux. It has been revealed in many studies that a regular 30-minute walk after a meal improves the functioning of the intestines, as well as reduces the problem of constipation.

Research says that walking after meals not only improves digestion but also benefits type-2 sugar patients. According to researchers from the University of Otago, New Zealand, the level of glucose increases after a meal. Insulin is secreted to control the increased level of this glucose but insulin does not work properly in patients with type-2 sugar. Therefore, when he walks after eating food, most of the glucose is spent in the body in the form of energy. Due to this, the level of sugar in the blood of diabetic patients does not increase. The study said that people who consume more carbohydrate-rich food should definitely walk after eating, glucose is used to generate energy for body activities by walking after eating. Helps in reducing the level of glucose in the blood.