Vladimir Putin ending one by one in the war with Ukraine?


The chain of deaths of billionaire businessmen in Moscow-Russia is not taking its name to stop. The latest name in the chain of these deaths is that of Ravil Maganov. Ravil Maganov was the chairman of the Russian oil company Lukoil. He died last week after falling from the window of a Moscow hospital. Although it is being told as an accident, but this death is also under suspicion. There is a special connection in the deaths of all these billionaires. All of them were close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and criticized his attack on Ukraine. In such a situation, it is being suspected that Putin himself is not getting his close friends killed. Seven such billionaires have died since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine this year. Let’s take a look…

1. Alexander Tyukalov
The 61-year-old Tyukalov was the executive of gas giant Gazprom. According to Russian media, he was found dead in the garage of his home in St. Petersburg on February 25. The very next morning, Russia attacked Ukraine. Surprisingly, neither his company Gazprom nor the regional inquiry committee has issued any statement in this matter. Although it was described as a suicide in the newspapers, but it was revealed that no suicide note was recovered from here. It is said that he was severely beaten before being killed. Because of this also his death is doubted.

2. Mikhail Watford
Watford, 66, was a Ukrainian-born businessman. He was also involved in the business related to oil and gas. He was found dead at his home in south east England on February 28, according to local media. According to the information, his body was found hanging from the noose. Surrey police, however, said his company’s officers were not treating the death suspicious. Still the matter is being investigated. This death also came to light a few days after the attack on Ukraine. It is said that Watford being Ukrainian, he had an eye on Russian agencies.

3. Vladislav Ayaev
Vladislav Ayyaev was 51 years old and was the former Vice President of Gazprombank. On April 18, Ayaev’s body was found in his own apartment with his wife and daughter. According to local newspapers, it was revealed that Ayyev had hanged himself after shooting his wife and daughter. Aiyev was also among those close to Putin. Surprisingly, the CCTV footage of this incident was also not found.

4. Sergei Protosennya
On April 19, Sergei Protosenya was found dead with his daughter and wife at his villa in Spain. Sergei, 55, was the top manager of Novatek, Russia’s largest liquefied natural gas producer. Here too, it was revealed in the investigation that he took his own life after killing his wife and daughter. However, some newspaper reports said that there was no blood stain on his body.

5. Vladimir Lyakishev
45-year-old Lyakishev was the co-owner of Bratya Karavayev restaurant chain. According to Russian media, his body was found on the balcony of the 16th floor of the building where he lived. Sources claim that Lyakishev had a bullet mark on his forehead. He died on 4 May.

6. Yuri Voronov
Voronov was the CEO and founder of Astra-Shipping Company. His company worked on arctic contracts for Gazprom. He was found dead in the swimming pool of the cottage in Leningrad. According to reports, he also had a bullet mark on his forehead and the pistol was lying nearby. Voronov was a new name in the successive businessmen’s deaths.

7. Ravil Maganov
Maganov, 67, was the chairman of Lukoil. His body was found outside a hospital in Moscow on Thursday. It is said that he committed suicide by jumping from the window of the hospital. However, this theory is not easily believed. The reason is, the weather in Russia is very cold and the windows are closed very tightly. In such a situation, it is not easy for a sick person to open them.

Why are these deaths under suspicion?
Anti-Kremlin Telegram channel SVR claims that Maganov was assassinated on Putin’s orders. In fact, amidst the war between Ukraine and Russia, the US and European countries have banned Russian oil companies. Due to this, Russia’s oil production has been badly affected and it has also had a bad effect on the earnings of the people associated with this sector. In such a situation, the big names of this area started becoming vocal against the government. It is believed that the Kremlin has carried out these deaths with the aim of shutting them down. Surprisingly, there has been no official statement from the death of such big names, many of whom were directly related to Putin.