Urine leakage can be this serious disease

New Delhi: The problem of leaking urine is seen more in women than in men. In this condition, urine suddenly comes out while coughing, sneezing, running or lifting any object. Sometimes urine leaks even before reaching the toilet. Most people get this problem, but it does not take a serious form, for this it is important that you get it treated on time. Let us know, what are the reasons for leaking urine and which diseases increase the risk of it.

It can be a temporary problem due to urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation, or certain medicines, but when it is a problem for a long time, it can be due to many reasons.

  • Overactive bladder muscles – Weakness of pelvic floor muscles – Damage to the nerves that control the bladder – Inflammation of the bladder – Side effects from any surgery – Neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, stroke or Parkinson’s disease – Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause- This problem in women for a long time becomes a reason for stress, anxiety and depression. – This causes the bladder muscles to become more weak, due to which there can be an unexpected urge to urinate all the time. Urine leakage can occur even while sneezing or doing normal work. – Due to urine leakage, the patient’s condition can worsen in many serious diseases such as vascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s. – Urine leakage if you smoke The situation may worsen.