Bulandshahr. UP ATS has detained two brothers from Bulandshahr (Bulandshahr) in the case related to Seema Haider, who illegally entered India from Pakistan via Nepal. Both of them are accused of tampering with the Aadhar card and documents of Seema Haider and Sachin Meena. Their names are Pushpendra Meena and Pawan Meena, who run a public service center in Ahmedgarh. Based on the information received by the police during the investigation regarding Seema Haider, the ATS took Pushpendra and Pawan into custody on Sunday night.
According to the information, Pushpendra and Pawan are accused of tampering with the Aadhar card and other documents of Seema Haider and Sachin Meena. UP ATS has detained Pushpendra Meena and Pawan Meena late evening from the public service center in Ahmedgarh. UP ATS has taken Pushpendra and Pawan with them for questioning from Ahmedgarh town of Bulandshahr police station Ahmedgarh area. After this action of the police, the difficulties of Seema Haider and her lover Sachin Meena, who came to India from Pakistan, may increase.
Booked the hotel with a fake name
The arrest of these brothers from Bulandshahr took place at a time when a hotel owner in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu said that Seema Haider and Sachin Meena had stayed in his hotel. The owner of the hotel told that Sachin had come first to book the hotel. He had told that his wife would come the next day. The limit came the next day. The hotel owner told that Sachin had booked the hotel with a fake name as Shivansh.
There was no money left with Seema
It has been revealed from the WhatsApp chat of Pakistani woman Seema that she had no money left. Seeing the chat of Seema Haider, it is known that she was continuously talking to Prasanna Gautam, the manager of the bus service. Seema made him travel further through Prasanna Gautam’s bus. Gautam sent Seema the location of the place in Pokhara from where the bus was to leave at 7 am on May 12. Seema has also written in the chat that brother, send a message to him (Sachin). It is believed that he has said these things regarding the remaining payment, which Sachin has to pay. That’s why the remaining payment was made by Sachin.
Police is collecting all the information related to the border
The UP Police and STF are investigating the case of Seema Haider, a Pakistani woman who came to India after falling in love with Sachin Meena while playing PUBG. Seema Haider is out on bail from the court for coming to India illegally. Police is interrogating Seema Haider and many important information is coming out in it. Due to this, the suspicion of being a Pakistani spy has deepened.
How did Seema cross the Indo-Nepal border?
According to sources, Seema Haider had gathered information about the 8 borders connecting Nepal to India, so that she could enter India safely and unhindered. The matter is related to Pakistan, so the security agencies are engaged in a thorough investigation regarding it. Seema Haider had gathered information about 8 borders between India and Nepal to come to India. These include Sunauli, Banbasa, Raxaul, Siddharth Nagar, Sitamani, Kakad Bhitta, Jogbani and Siliguri border. These are the borders where the buses going from Nepal are stopped and checked, but there is also a Siddharth Nagar border from where there was less checking of the Indo-Nepal Maitri bus. The border entered India from here.