(Delhi )
(Delhi )

Tremors felt in Delhi NCR also(Delhi )

New Delhi: Earthquake tremors have been felt in the national capital Delhi (Delhi )  and NCR areas. The epicenter of the earthquake is southern Xinjiang of China. Its intensity has been measured at 7.2 on the Richter scale. This earthquake occurred at 11:39 minutes 11 seconds. Its center is said to be 80 kilometers inside the ground.
Keeping in mind the danger of earthquake, geologists have divided parts of the country into seismic zones. The least danger is in Zone 2 and the greatest danger is in Zone 5. Delhi is in Zone 4, here an earthquake of more than 6 intensity on the Richter scale can cause huge devastation. Zone 4 contains cities like Mumbai, Delhi. Apart from these, it includes Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal, Western Gujarat, hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar-Nepal border areas. There is a constant danger of earthquake here.
Why do earthquakes occur?
There are seven plates inside the Earth, which are continuously rotating. The zone where these plates collide is called fault line.
The corners of the plates bend due to repeated collisions. When too much pressure builds up, the plates start breaking.
The energy below finds a way to come out. Earthquake occurs after disturbance.
What to do if an earthquake occurs?
Experts have been suggesting many such measures from time to time, by which the dangers arising after earthquakes can be reduced to a great extent. According to experts, there are some tricks which can help in reducing the damage and saving lives.

If you are outside the house during an earthquake, stay away from tall buildings, electric poles etc. Stay outside until the tremors end. If you are in a moving vehicle, stop it immediately and remain seated in the vehicle. Avoid going on bridges or roads that have been or could be damaged by an earthquake.
If you are at home during an earthquake, sit on the floor. Take shelter under a sturdy table or other furniture. If there is no table, cover your face and head with your hands. Go to a corner of the house and stay away from glass, windows, doors and walls. If you are in bed, lie down and cover your head with a pillow. If there is heavy furniture around, stay away from it. Avoid using the lift, it can swing like a pendulum and hit the wall and the lift can also stop due to power failure. Do not use weak stairs, usually the stairs in buildings are not strong. Stay indoors until the tremors occur and go out only after the tremors stop.
What to do if you are buried under debris during an earthquake
If you get buried under debris during an earthquake, never light a matchbox, because there may be a risk of gas leaking during this time. Don’t move, and don’t kick up dust. Be sure to cover your face with a handkerchief or cloth. If there is no cloth, cover it. Keep banging on a pipe or wall so that the rescue team can find you. If a whistle is available then keep blowing. If there is no other way, keep shouting, however, there is a risk of dust entering the mouth by shouting, hence be careful.