Today’s Horoscope 9 October 2021


Keep restraint on your speech. Information about transfer and promotion may come. Married can go on a religious journey today. The problem of the child side will be removed. There will be some trouble due to opponents. The health of a family member may deteriorate. Avoid giving loans. Financial condition will be fine. There is a possibility of making money. Most of the tasks will be completed easily. You will be happy Some may be worried about health. Youth can get jobs. There may be a rift with a friend. Married life will be happy. Drive the vehicle carefully. You will be able to fulfill your responsibility. May be involved in religious activities. Business related problems will be solved.

You will benefit as the circumstances are favorable to you. You will be able to achieve success. There is a need to be health conscious. Don’t let negative thoughts enter your mind. Worshiping God will give spiritual and mental peace. The day will be calm and stress free. There is a possibility of financial gains today, but keep an eye on your shopping expenses. Today you will get good support from luck. There will be a pleasant atmosphere in the house. Today, do not do any such work by coming in the words of another person, in which there is a loss of honor. Protect valuables. Don’t take risk.

Luck will get all possible help. We are on our way to success. Keep moving forward on the path of life with enthusiasm and zeal. There will be full support from family members. You control your speech. Your opponents may be active. You can move towards a partnership. You will have a positive feeling. The child side will get success. You can get good news from a relative. Support may come from an unexpected source. Today your luck will be strong. You will get auspicious results in the field of work. Serving the elderly will bring peace of mind. There is a need to be a little conscious about health. The tendency of laziness will continue.

The day will be good for you. You can be worried about some issue. Your peace and pace of work at home and workplace may be affected. This is the time to ignore the small things by thinking big goals. Today is a better day for the students. You will get success in the examination. There may be a problem in the health of a member of the household. Interest towards religious works will increase. can go on a trip. People will not respect your advice. Despite being full of creative energy, sitting quietly can increase stress. But don’t be bothered by it. Your identity will not be harmed. Don’t get caught up in such momentary pleasures that may cost you dearly later. Situations of happiness will remain from the side of the family. Today you will get auspicious results according to your ability.

Income will increase. The plan that you were working on for a long time will be fruitful today. Will take any decision related to money which will prove beneficial in future. New vigor and enthusiasm will be seen in your body. Expected success can be achieved in the competition field. During this time, you will get good success in the field as well. Maintain good relations with your relatives. Social responsibility can be found today. The day will be busy. You can go on a journey with the people of the society. Business will do well. Today there is a need to be careful from enemies. can cause damage. The problems of students will be solved by meeting new people. You have to be careful while driving today. Respect will increase. Avoid taking risks.
Legal matters will proceed. Will be very happy You will get success. Financial problems are likely to go away. The loan amount can be returned. Business conditions will remain normal. Your married life will be happy. Opponents will remain calm. There may be some problem for the employed people. There will be ups and downs in health. You can go on a trip for business related work. There will be full support of family members. The office environment can be somewhat tense. The words of the officers can get hurt. There will be discussion with friends and relatives. Anger has to be controlled. There may be financial loss. Avoid lending. Don’t be in a hurry to take important decisions. Youth will be happy. Health will be fine.

The day will be busy. You can feel tired. Expenses will be high. To overcome your financial problems, there may be a chance of taking a loan. Some unpleasant information may be received from the relatives. Might have to move to another city. There will be support from family members. There may be some differences with the spouse. The problems of the students will continue. Business will be normal. Health will be fine. Opponents can be active. Students will have to work harder. Business conditions will be normal. Suddenly you may meet a friend. Be patient during the conversation. Do not share personal things with anyone. Students will benefit. Opponents will remain calm. Do not do work involving risk. Be careful while driving. If you are going out of the house, then definitely take the blessings of the elders. Pray to your Ishta Deva.

Businessmen are likely to make good profits today. Good news can be found. will meet with old friends. The day will prove to be very happy. Today you can go for a walk with family members. Somebody can cause some trouble. Avoid taking stress. Today there will be full support of your spouse. Students will have to work harder today. New information will be available. There may be some problem regarding health. Married life will be happy. There is a possibility of a dispute with a relative. Beware of your opponents today. may try to harm you. You will get good news from a friend. There will be progress in business. can go on a trip. Office environment will not be good for you. Social responsibility can be found. Don’t take risk. Be careful while talking to someone. Financial condition will be fine.

You will get proposals for investment in any scheme. You have to be very careful while dealing. You can make a plan to buy real estate, but for the time being, read the documents thoroughly. The loan amount is expected to be returned. Women’s section will benefit. Today you can attend the program of any of your relatives. The mind will be happy. Good information will be received from the child side. The problem of youth will be solved. The elderly may have health-related problems. Salaried people can get transfer related information. Office environment will be fine. Don’t get into dispute over someone’s point of view. Tension may increase. Don’t use rude words. The atmosphere of the family will be somewhat tense today. You can go on a trip for business related work. Keep distance from unknown people. Be careful during risky tasks.

The day will prove to be better for you. Today your time will be spent in religious works. You will get success in most of the tasks. Family members will get support. Married will be happy. There will be ups and downs in health. Career related problems will get resolved. Complete any task with utmost sincerity. There will be profit in business. Think carefully while lending. Spend time with children. The withheld amount will not be refunded at this time. Business conditions will be fine. can go on a trip. Drive the vehicle carefully. Those working in the field can get a new opportunity today. Youth will benefit today, they will take interest in studies. Stay away from stress. There will be excess of anger and irritability in behavior.

New information will be received from the child side. There will be ups and downs in business. Married life will be happy. Health will be fine. You may get a new responsibility. There may be a dispute with the employed people in the office today. Control anger. There has to be restraint on speech. Almost all your work will be completed. New work will be beneficial. There is a possibility of making money. May participate in religious functions. Elderly may have health problems. Opponents can do harm. Some of your work will not be completed. Social status will be strong. Business will gain momentum. Be careful while doing financial transactions. You can be sad about something. Will be meeting with new people. You can bring changes in the routine. Other people will benefit from your experience. There is a possibility of making money.

New sources of income will be available. will meet with old friends. will feel positive. Family members will be with you. With your help, the work of many people will be completed. You will be appreciated. Help the needy. Spouse will get full support. The office environment will be in your favor. Officers will be happy with you. Today you will feel stress free. You can go for a walk with family members. You can get rid of any old problem. Investments made in the past will be profitable. You can start a new job. Will consider buying real estate. Married will be very happy today. The day will be good. Good information can be received from a relative. Health will be fine. Avoid outside food. Today it may cost more.
Pt. Subhash Pandey