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Today’s horoscope 4 August 2024( horoscope)

Today’s horoscope  ( horoscope) 4 August 2024

Do not let misunderstandings come in love relationships. Be careful in financial matters. You will get success in the work done with hard work. Comforts and amenities will increase. Some friends may be angry with you. You will tell your heart to the lover.

Do all the work in a planned manner. Self-confidence will increase. Maintain discipline in the family. Good news can be received through social media. Keep your behavior good with siblings. You will get guidance from the elders of the house.

You will take advantage of political contacts. You will get the blessings of the elders. You will be happy with the behavior of the child. People will seek guidance from you. Married life will be happy.

There will be some problems regarding married life. You will be very strong mentally. There may be complaints of leg and back pain. The planned work can be completed. You will spend a good time with friends.

Health may deteriorate a little. Negative thoughts may arise. Avoid long distance travel. You will spend money on your lover. Keep away from intoxication today. Relatives may come to your home.


One of your wishes may be fulfilled. The day will be full of happiness and enthusiasm. You will be very happy due to increase in sales in business. Unmarried people may get marriage opportunities. Old memories will be refreshed in the mind.

Your health may be a little unfavorable. The day is very auspicious for proposing to your lover. You will prefer to spend time at home instead of office. You can go for a party with friends today. You can plan a trip.

You can buy a new vehicle and jewelry. You will suddenly spend a lot of money. There will be difficulty in getting the pending money. Differences may arise with colleagues in the workplace. Students will plan to take admission in a new course. Do not show off.

Keep your diet balanced. Important tasks may get delayed. There will be difficulty in getting back the borrowed money. You may feel sad due to the behaviour of friends. You may feel unhappy due to low sales in business.

You may go for a walk with your spouse. Your work will be appreciated. Students will take a lot of interest in studies. The day is auspicious for business partnership. Your daily routine will be a little busy. You will benefit from business related to import-export.

Diabetic patients will have health problems. Work pressure will increase. There may be a tussle with family members. There may be some problems regarding financial matters. New opponents may become active.

You will try to learn new skills. People will be attracted by your words. There are chances of increase in sales in the workplace. The day is very auspicious for government work. Domestic discord will go away.

Pt. Subhash Pandey