Today’s horoscope 21 October 2023

Today’s horoscope (horoscope ) 21 October 2023
Will be lost in imaginary thoughts. All your work will be done intermittently. The enemy may suddenly become active against you. stay alert. Keep your expenses under control. You will be very connected to religious mantras and worship etc. Keep your behavior good.
You may meet an old friend. But you will not feel kinship with them. There is a possibility of blood pressure problem. There will be fear of insult in your mind. Keep your daily routine disciplined. You should avoid overthinking.
would benefit. Can purchase house or land. Don’t give too much importance to what others say. Business goals will be accomplished on time. Will feel proud of the children. Feelings of love will develop.
Will be loyal to his responsibilities. Your spouse will play the role of a good friend. You can share your thoughts with them. The day is going to be auspicious. People at home will be very happy with you. At this time all circumstances are favorable for you.
There will be profit from new business. Fear from the mind can go away. A feeling of respect and honor will arise in the mind towards the spouse. Health will be very good and balanced. You will be relieved that a big problem will be solved. Will be active in social life.
There will be tension. Pay serious attention. Will spend pleasant time with children. Construction work will be completed rapidly. Don’t take anyone’s bitter words to heart. There may be disappointment in career. People associated with the art field may receive respect.
People will have full faith in you. You can book tickets for tourism. Can start new work. You may get benefits from investment. Excessive impatience is not good. Students studying abroad should be a little careful. Don’t take risks.
It is not appropriate to start new work. Be careful today. This is the time to be patient. Be serious about relationships. Do not let the feeling of despair develop in your mind. You may feel lack of confidence. Take out time for yoga and pranayam.
Be sure to take guidance from experienced people. The day is going to be very good. You may be a little worried about your elder brothers and sisters. Don’t waste time in useless activities. Important opportunities are waiting for you. Negligence can prove costly.
Everything in business will seem to be going according to you. You are going to be very happy. This will also increase your confidence. There may be long discussions with officials regarding work. Your efficiency will increase. Your respect and prestige will increase.
Some important decision will have to be taken suddenly. There may be problems in business. Feeling of ego can cause loss. Intimacy will increase. Take care of your spouse’s health. You may be inclined towards wrong actions. Release the stress.
People associated with heavy industries will get good financial benefits. You may get good news. Your name will be in creative work. Love relationships will be sweet. There may be financial gains from old investments. There will be happiness about elder brothers and sisters.
Pandit Subhash Pandey