
Today’s Horoscope, 18 June 2024(Horoscope)

Today’s Horoscope,  (Horoscope) 18 June 2024

It will be in your interest to be satisfied with the results at the workplace, but at the same time, speed up the pace to achieve the set goals. You need to help yourself deal with stress without hurting the children. Students will remain engaged in their studies. Investment in the stock market will benefit today. Your financial situation will remain balanced. You will act on your love partner’s fantasies to enjoy love. You will have to take precautionary measures to keep yourself disease-free. Unlimited expectations are not fulfilled by handling too many tasks at the same time.

Students who are eagerly waiting to join the armed forces will not have to wait much longer. Today you will feel tired due to family work. If you fall in a low tax slab, it is better to invest money in investment schemes, which will ensure high returns even if they are taxable. You should not argue with your colleagues at the workplace. Avoid hurting your love partner. You will need to be a little careful during the day in terms of health. Your valuable advice will help someone in trouble today.

Your creativity at the workplace will not only surprise those around you but you will also be appreciated. There will be a short enjoyable trip with the family. Children studying will spend most of their time with mobile today. You will take decisions today to secure the future. Enjoying love in private will give you immense pleasure.

A special compliment from a friend will keep you in a good mood. Your care towards health will keep you healthy.


The news of your father’s recovery from illness will be a source of immense happiness. Determination and confidence will help in performing better than expectations. Nursing students will get an opportunity. Your shares will rise in the afternoon. Scolding your beloved over unnecessary demands will harm your relationship. Make sincere efforts to get rid of the habit of drinking alcohol. The situation becomes difficult when you suffer from some complications on the personal front.

It is time for you to create a favorable atmosphere at home. Creativity will help in getting the desired success. You should prepare for your competitive exams. You will try to get a bank loan for your business. Take care of your love partner’s feelings. Excessive exposure to dust, harmful fumes and irritating chemicals can put you at risk of nosebleeds. It is a good day to pamper yourself and do the things you enjoy the most.


Your luck will help you a lot at the workplace. Students studying will have good experiences today. Taking help from an experienced colleague will help you invest wisely. Your love partner’s company will bring some sweet memories, which you will be able to cherish later. Despite a busy schedule, you will easily overcome fatigue with your abundant energy. Polite behavior with a shower of verbal praise will be appreciated.

Today is likely to prove to be a very important day for your professional success. You will feel happy at the workplace. Your brother will be more helpful than expected. You will meet a new guide in your studies. You should invest money in equipment that will meet your needs. The company of your beloved will enable you to enjoy the beauty of life. Some people will be troubled by stomach related diseases. Ambition will be fulfilled.


Businessmen will have to visit the bank. You will feel hectic at the workplace. Praise your child to boost his confidence. Students should participate in extracurricular activities. Some people will take home loans and get their house registered. Investing in the gas sector will be beneficial. You are seen falling in love with someone. Positive thinking will be the key to improving health. Keep in mind that your behavior does not hurt the feelings of your friend.


There is a possibility of celebrating an auspicious ceremony in your house. You will take important business decisions with the help of lucky stars. Students should prepare themselves mentally before going into the medical field. You should not invest too much on the advice of experts appearing on TV. You are seen falling in love with someone at first sight today. Exercise should be done daily as your weight is increasing. Traveling with friends will be pleasant. You can reach a satisfactory decision.

Do not let family problems force you to take any drastic step. Do not be in a hurry, otherwise you will suffer losses in your work as well. You will understand the subject properly. Today you will try to take an auto loan to buy a car. Today you will visit a religious place with your love partner and will also tell your wish to the Lord. Eating raw and unwashed vegetables can complicate health problems. Do not be afraid to go after your dreams, provided you are serious.

Taking unnecessary stress will prevent you from taking wise decisions on the family front. Efforts will have to be continued to get the desired success at the workplace. Students should work harder in their studies. People are likely to get refund on extra tax. In love, make sure that you try to get emotional satisfaction.

Do not run after momentary pleasures. Do not forget to take nutritious food to keep yourself healthy. A friend can seek advice to solve personal problems.

You will have to work very practically in business. You will attend a lecture with senior people, which will give you a chance to learn a lot. Do not expect much from family members. Students studying should not take too much stress. It will be a day to work on new strategies to earn financial benefits in business. You will try to make the budding love relationship permanent. Heart patients will be comfortable today. There will definitely be some obstacle today, so do not do very important work.

Pt. Subhash Pandey