Today’s Horoscope 1 January 2023

If you do a government job, then on this day you can have a debate with your high officials or people working in the field of politics, which will not be good for your career. In such a situation, it would be appropriate to keep yourself away from any kind of debate.
The dedication of the people doing government jobs towards their work will increase further and a sense of kindness towards the society will awaken in them. His full attention will be spent in doing good to others.
Students studying in school will focus on improving their art on this day, like some will take interest in dance and some in painting. It will come in handy later on.
Students pursuing higher education should not get misled by anyone and should not trust anyone too quickly. Today you may get many misleading proposals which will give bad results in future. So keep yourself alert.
Today most of your time will be spent with your family members. All of you will share your happiness and sorrows with each other, which will strengthen your relationship.
The mind of unmarried people will be attracted towards many people on this day and they can also give their heart to someone. In such a situation, do not be hasty in anything and keep your mind calm.
People doing private jobs will look satisfied with their work and they will get a new energy inside themselves which will motivate them to work.
If you are facing any problem, then definitely share it with your family on this day, so that it can be solved. There is also a possibility of any religious event in the house, due to which the atmosphere of the house will remain spiritual.
Government officials are likely to have heated arguments with their colleagues today, which they should avoid. Today your nature will be relatively irritable.
If you do business then today you can get big financial benefit due to which the economic condition of the family can change. Relatives will also keep coming and going in the house.
Those who are married may get attracted to someone else, which may lead to a sour relationship. So control yourself and stay away from any untoward incident.
Mentally you will be completely healthy and new ideas will be included in you. There will be an atmosphere of positivity everywhere and you will also think in the same way.
Pt Subhash Pandey