This marriage took place in the shadow of bayonets

Pilibhit: A case of a unique marriage has come to light in Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, where the boy comes out of jail on parole for 4 hours and after marrying his fiancée reaches behind the bars of the jail. The matter is about 4 months old, when a girl named Sonam in the city Kotwali gave a complaint that she was exploited in the name of marriage, after that the boy refused to marry. On the basis of Tahrir, police registered a case of 376. The boy was caught and sent to jail.

The marriage of a 24-year-old girl named Sonam was fixed with Amit Kumar, a resident of Nigohi Shahjahanpur. Amit Kumar and Sonam got into a tussle about something and Amit refused this marriage, then Sonam filed a complaint in the city Kotwali and filed a case of cheating and physical abuse against Amit. Due to which the police arrested the boy and sent him to jail.

went to court and filed his affidavit
After the boy went to jail, the boy’s family once again talked about the settlement and talked about getting married with the girl. A compromise was reached between the two families. The boy and the girl agreed to the marriage. After this, both of them went to the court and filed their affidavits. They want to marry each other, on which the court granted parole for 4 hours to the boy. Asked him to marry and file his proof in the court, after which he will take his decision on his case.

At present, the people around were also spending to see this marriage which took place under the shadow of the bayonets. A large number of police force was also present. There was a police cordon around the boy. Even the Vajra vehicle of the jail which had brought the girl. He was also present, the boy was decorated and decorated in the temple. At the same time, the bride was also given a ride. Thousands of people were present to see this unique wedding and both were blessed after getting married.