,( weapon,) 
,( weapon,) 

There is also a nuclear bomb in front of the weapon,( weapon,) , child

Rods from God: There are two things here. The first hypersonic space weapon,( weapon,)  also known as ‘Rods from God’ and the second testing of China’s tungsten rod weapon. The Rods from God weapon was conceived during the Cold War in the 90s. What will happen if a tungsten rod is dropped on the earth from a spaceship? During this, this rod will generate tremendous kinetic energy at a speed of 12 thousand kilometers per hour at hypersonic speed. Will destroy any target on earth in the blink of an eye.

However, during the Cold War, America brought “Project Thar” to fulfill it. He tried to make Rods from God with the help of tungsten rods. In this sequence, in 2003, he brought HRB system ie (Hypervelocity Rod Bundles). Through this, any target could be targeted in 12 to 15 minutes. This would generate as much energy as an atomic bomb and it had the ability to destroy the bunker of the atomic bomb as well. But this project could not be completed. There were many reasons for this, money, time and resources.

But where all the countries were envisioning such a weapon. At the same time, in the year 2018, through the prototype of tungsten rod, it was successfully tested in the Gobi desert. 140 kg tungsten rods were used in this test. At a speed of 4.6 kilometers per second, these bundles were targeted at a target in the Gobi Desert. After falling on the target, these bundles made a hole 3 meters deep and 4.6 meters wide. It is believed that China was successful in making Rods from God.

After testing, the biggest information came out that if these bundles are dropped at hypersonic speed, then it can cause more damage. At the same time, it is a matter of concern that China is the largest producer of tungsten in the world. Here 80% of tungsten